Thursday, February 9, 2023

Why Trump Should be Elected in 2024


Why Trump Should be Elected in 2024

Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA), Oct. 15, 2022

I have little doubt that the 2024 Democrat nominee for President will be Hillary Clinton. Who else could rally the Democrats, so many of whom are drifting away from their party because it is ignoring spiraling crime, wrecking the economy, kowtowing to its radical wing, and showing its lack of sure-footedness in foreign affairs? Who else could the Democrats call on? Unlike Republicans, the Democrat team has no bench. They have only one experienced player and that’s Hillary. 

The Republican bench is strong. It has several male and female presidential and vice-presidential possibilities, none of whom are so politically challenged that they would make parents their enemies, declare children their charges, view police as objects of scorn, deem rioters the justified victims of racism, or raid the homes of pro-life activists.

 Democrats are no longer the party of blue collar America or of the broad middle class. Amazingly, a New York billionaire is largely responsible for this political sea change. How interesting that a wealthy city-boy could become the leader of the working class. Donald Trump did not arouse the 74 million Americans who put him in office. Rather, it was the already aroused voters who saw in Trump a confident, fearless leader and a glimmer of hope. In 2016 Trump knocked off his every Republican contender  by attacking the liberal Democrat media, addressing the issue of borders, challenging the power of transnational corporations that felt little allegiance if any to America, calling out timid Republicans, wooing religious conservatives, and doing so by veering from fancy, exalted speeches to speaking plainly to voters.

Trump is paying dearly for what he did. An unforgiving media, the unrelenting members of Congressional committees, government bureaucrats, and personal enemies from his past are not making his life easy. His inordinate language is terrible though it should be noted that our current president and a good half of the members of Congress have joined him in the filthy mouth department.

Despite his faults, Donald Trump brought to our attention the demise of our norms and institutions. Having fizzled, the ‘60s Peter, Paul, and Mary approach to changing America with a working class rebellion has been altered. The left has turned its attention and goals from the working class - the proletariat – to the intelligentsia, that is, the university and also to the broader culture, particularly public education. It appears that all of those working stiffs were just too dumb (actually, too smart) to fall for Joan Biaz, the Kingston Trio, Jane Fonda and other liberal voices. Today university students are denied conservative speakers. Public school classrooms as close to my house as Chattanooga, TN are being exposed to sick-o drag queens and “gender education.”

Most remarkable is the left’s success in winning corporations to its camp and away from the Republican Party. Disney announced publicly its opposition to the Florida law that banned discussion of gender identity in elementary classrooms. Fortunately, Disney has been chastised. According to researcher Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institute, Disney has had significant cancellations of cruises and of planned trips to theme parks. Yet Disney, hundreds of other corporations, pro sports, Big Tech, public health agencies, and the military are still bent on espousing the left’s social issues agenda: support of the LGBQT lobby, transgender politics, anti-gun legislation, open borders, and “equity.”

What scares Democrats is Trump’s success with judicial appointments (we now have a conservative Court), deregulation, tax cuts, and his favor with the deplorable masses. What scares RINOs/Never-Trumpers is actually Trump’s adherence to basic Republican principles. What scares them both is the favor Trump enjoys from parents who believe that they and not the schools should determine what their children are to be taught.

When pressed to comment on the supposed alcoholism of his great General Grant, Lincoln said, “He still fights.” So, with all of his shortcomings supposed or real, does Donald Trump. There are two main reasons why he should run and be elected in 2024. One is that he does not parrot the global narrative but believes a government should and must first serve its own people before it can be a leader of nations. Consequently, his America First theme. Another reason is that the Biden administration, in addition to weakening the nation, has weakened America’s standing and leadership in the world. Compare how Russia and China view Biden to how they viewed Reagan or Trump. Consider the dangerous ramifications of this difference. 

The Democrat Party long ago abandoned Middle America’s values and needs. Trump can and will restore sanity to a nation that is now veering off the tracks. He’s done it before by defeating the one he would most likely face again.


Roger Hines

October 13, 2022

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