A Defense of “Religious Conservatives”
Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA), Nov. 5, 2022
to every man and nation comes the moment to decide / In the strife of truth
with falsehood / For the good or evil side.” – James
Russell Lowell, 1845
all conservatives are “religious,” though many are. The following argument is
about political conservatives who are people of faith. I will yield to common
English usage and refer to them as religious conservatives.
Religious conservatives who oppose
homosexuality and same-sex marriage are often labeled homophobes. This charge
makes little sense, a phobia being an anxiety disorder or a deep fear. It is
unlikely that true people of faith are afraid of homosexuals or that they deal
with anxiety all because of someone’s sexuality. For the last few decades
religious conservatives have been given a bum rap in regard to sexuality
issues. Maligned and misrepresented, they have been characterized as bigots.
They have been taunted for not “changing with the times,” an ill-informed
phrase since homosexuality was widespread in ancient Rome and ancient Greece,
and also practiced in Israel. There’s nothing new about it except the LGBTQ
Lobby’s success in permeating our schools.
the issues of same-sex marriage and transgender politics are at the fore of our
debate, homosexuality itself constitutes the heart of the sexual chaos that
benights America. There is a reason religious conservatives are deeply
concerned about the chaos. That reason is the Bible. Christian conservatives
throughout the nation do not and cannot ignore the fact that the Bible forbids
homosexuality. In the Old Testament, Genesis chapters 10-19 deal with Abraham’s
nephew Lot, and how Lot “pitched his tent toward Sodom.” Chapter 19 tells of the men of Sodom who went
to Lot’s house seeking homosexual relations with his two male guests. They
demanded that Lot bring them out so that they might “know them carnally.” Sodom
became known as a vile place of sexual perversion. Religious conservatives also
know that Leviticus 18:22 reads, “You shall not lie with mankind as with
New Testament also prohibits homosexuality. In the epistles of Romans, First
Corinthians, and First Timothy, the Apostle Paul is clear about the matter. One
of the clearest prohibitions is found in Romans, chapter 1, which speaks of “men
with men doing that which is unseemly.” Those who do not believe the Bible are
free to say so and most certainly do say so, but those who do believe it should
be expected to obey it and to resist public policy that violates it. It isn’t hate
but devotion to their faith that leads religious conservatives to their position
on sexuality.
Yet, some incredibly argue that at a point
religious beliefs should be set aside. As Senator Diane Feinstein said
scornfully to Justice Amy Coney Barrett, “The dogma lives loudly within you.”
Ms. Barrett was “too Catholic” for the Senator just as religious conservatives
are “too religious” for many progressives.
conservatives are also troubled by transgender ideology. One reason is the Biblical declaration, “Male
and female created He them.” Another is common sense: men can’t be women and women
can’t be men, no matter how they mutilate themselves or attempt to manipulate
nature. So argues Dr. Paul McHugh, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at
Johns Hopkins University.
Religious conservatives
also point to the great harm done by transgender policy such as impairment
wrought by transgender drugs and surgeries. They see athletics being gutted by
the transgender bandwagon. The Boston Marathon’s decision to create a new
category called “non-binary runners” is one example. Marathon applicants no
longer must identify themselves as male or female.
Guess how religious conservatives feel about
drag queen hour for school children. Don’t tell me it isn’t spreading. Hatred
of the natural is now an obsession fed by corporations, academia, Hollywood,
the media, the LGBTQ Lobby, and even many pulpits.
the most damaging aspect of the nation’s sexual chaos is the re-defining of
marriage and family. Before the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, marriage was
about children and their need of a mother and a father, which is to say a
family. Since Obergefell v. Hodges, gay and lesbian “marriage,” in which
children are irrelevant, has unraveled the institution of marriage. This
unraveling, coupled with the blasé view of babies held by abortion defenders,
means that children simply are no longer considered blessings from God. Of
course progressives are always into dismantling institutions which formerly
gave us meaning and structure.
conservatives are conservatives of the heart. Stirred politically by Irish
Catholic Pat Buchanan in 1992 at the Republican National Convention and buoyed
by their deep love of God and country, they will definitely be praying for the
upcoming election and for a nation whose current leaders have forsaken honored
truths and abandoned reality.
Roger Hines
November 3, 2022
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