Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Craziness Continues


The Craziness Continues

Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA), Nov. 26, 2022

            How today’s progressives ever came to be called progressives need not be a mystery. Just a few reminders of American and European history can inform us of the reason for their name change.

 The Progressive Party of 1912 was founded by former President Teddy Roosevelt. But that third party effort dissolved in 1920. Formed after Roosevelt lost the Republican nomination to William Howard Taft, it gathered up liberals, labor leaders, and left-leaning Republicans. It embraced and advocated women’s suffrage and a minimum wage for women. Also called the Bull Moose Party, a caricature of the toughness and unquestionable physical strength of Teddy Roosevelt, the newly formed party actually was forward looking, thus the term Progressive.

            But contrast this early 20th century political effort to the progressives of today. Today’s progressives are yesterday’s liberals and liberal they still are. After William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan pounded liberalism and revealed it for what it is, which is communism-lite, liberals eventually sought a different name. But their hearts never changed. Their core belief is still the sanctity of a strong national government – not a federal one - and the requirement that individual citizens get used to it. Hanging their hat on the same rack as TR doesn’t work because TR, for all his big government ideas, never put the village above the villager. Socialism could never fit on a rugged cowboy like TR.

             Purporting to look forward, progressives are actually throwbacks. Their love of Big Brother and their belief in the necessity of his power is as old as the Asian and Persian tyrants. Their war against the natural order – males and females, husband and wife, biological sexuality, masculinity and femininity, family life – is as old as licentious Rome and Greece. Let us say then that progressives are actually reactionaries, a tag they have always applied to conservatives.

            Consider the progressives’ affinity for Rome. Outside of three or four so-called “good emperors,” the Roman Empire was ruled by rank sensualists, Caligula being the prime example. Sexually, it was “anything goes.” Harems were ubiquitous. Homosexuality was rank. Although Epicurus was Greek, his philosophical argument that pleasure was the highest good spread to Rome where it took root and flourished. During the first century the Christian gospel, via multiple translations of the Bible, began to push back the prevailing Roman and Greek emphasis on sensuality and kept it at bay for centuries. By the time of America’s founding, Europe was essentially a Christian continent. So became the New World. By the 1960s the kind but strong Billy Graham was declaring that the New Morality was nothing more than the Old Immorality. Graham was apparently a student of ancient history and its top down licentiousness and rebellion against nature.

            One wonders what progressives love more, abortion or sexual chaos. Confusing freedom with license, they resist natural order, arguing that gender depends upon personal choice or “the way we present” ourselves. One can “identify” as he or she (or is it “shem”?) wishes.

Who, I ask, needs a college course in “gender studies” when the facts of the matter are all around us, clear as day? Yet most universities today are awash in such nonsense. Lay aside separation of church and state for a moment. What the world needs now is separation of science and state. Until recently scientists worked independently in labs. They meticulously reported their findings which they never considered “settled.” Nowadays many “scientists” are agents of the government. (Everybody say “Fauci.”) Progressives and their fake scientists have set their faces against anything permanent. Consequently, transgenderism and the insistence that there is another gender beside male and female. 

            Progressives argue that they support policies that progress the nation toward social justice. But simultaneously they defend barbaric abortion. How is this different from ancient child sacrifice?

            Consider the following illustrations of progressive craziness. NBC reporter Ben Collins recently argued that taking children to drag queen shows would teach them that transgendered people are human beings. The ACLU and GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) continue to discredit and badger Focus on the Family, one of the nation’s most respected family support organizations. Disney can no longer be trusted with our children, having joined the sexualization of children bandwagon. Virginia’s Fairfax County Public School system is revising its standards in order to make them “gender combined.”

            Truth is that so-called progressivism has infected the nation’s brain. What else explains the huge political successes that the progressive left enjoys? Our only hope is to keep fighting, voting, and declaring boldly that our children belong to us, not to the deniers of the natural order.


Roger Hines


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