Is it Time to Stop Fighting?
Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA), Dec. 17, 2022
trio of great world leaders who taught us to fight well and wisely was Ronald
Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul, two western world politicians
and a Polish pope. More than once this trio has been hailed for their part in
bringing down the Berlin wall, thereby ushering in the demise of the Soviet
knows the back story. Reagan’s advisors urged him not to say the line, “Mr.
Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” before he delivered, with fervor, one of his
most heralded speeches right at the western side of the wall. Unlike Reagan,
his advisors were afraid of possible consequences. Unlike the prime ministers
who have followed her, Thatcher was focused singly on keeping the power of
tyrannical governments at bay. And unlike the present pope who so often dallies
with the spirit of the age – wokeness, that is – John Paul was resolute.
we should be that these three leaders were contemporaries. Although the Eastern
Europe portion of the Soviet Union was already cracking, Soviet power needed a
final blow. These three leaders delivered it. Incredibly, Gorbachev relented.
Soviet Union dissolution was underway.
these three to the western rulers of today. Currently the United Kingdom’s
leadership is visibly shaky. America’s president and the leader at the Vatican
are think-a-likes when it comes to cultural social issues. As recently as 2006
the president spoke strongly for traditional marriage. (Google Meet the Press/Biden/2006.)
What a conversion Biden has undergone. Pope Francis is simply squishy, sounding
like John Paul one day only to depart from orthodoxy the next.
in America many conservatives are giving up. They are weary. I have a small
handful of Christian friends who say they have stopped keeping up with the news
because it is so “bleak,” “negative,” and “scary,” even though their Bible
tells them to “fight the good fight,” and to “not be weary in well doing.”
an outlook is defeatist and totally lacking in hope which scripture enjoins
believers to hold to. The news has it that schools throughout the nation are
grooming children to “understand” and accept drag queens, transgenderism, and
sexual deviance and perversion. Are our children not worth fighting for? Is there never a justification for righteous
anger? Don’t throw the newspaper down because of the words “deviance” and
“perversion.” This is no attack on anyone. It is simply a plea that we look at
what’s happening. A deviance is a departure from the norm, which homosexuality
certainly is. Perversion is not an opposite or an “alternate life style,” but a
twist or aberration from what is natural and real. It is an intentional effort
to sway or lead astray. Look up the words for yourself.
Try this for a sign of the times. The
Merriam-Webster dictionary as well as the Cambridge dictionary in their most
recent editions have re-defined “woman.” M-W reads, “having a gender identity
that is opposite the male” while Cambridge clumsily presents the following word
salad: “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been
said to have a different sex at birth.” Note the use of the word identity, a
usage that automatically denies what even 10th grade biology teaches
about x and y chromosomes. As for “preferred pronouns,” they represent a
detachment from biology that deserves nothing but ridicule.
grooming, beyond the crazy, biology-denying left and its grip on our
universities, corporations, entertainment, and sports (whose most woke crusader
is Nick Saban), consider the increasing crime that is moving into suburbia and
rural America. Consider the previously unthinkable attack on free speech and
religious freedom, aimed solely at conservatives. Ponder the inordinate
spending that Congress is now engaged in. Ask why the Detroit school system
recently removed Ben Carson’s name from Ben Carson High School of Medicine and
Science. Not a good time to leave the battle field.
all of this is evil it must be resisted. If conservatives surrender to the
fatigue of battle, we forsake our children and grandchildren. Scripture’s
command to love our enemies doesn’t mean we should deny that our enemies exist,
which is what timid Republicans – not all, but the timid – are doing. We delude
ourselves to think things will be alright in time.
for the Respect for Marriage Act, with Republican help Democrats gave us not
only a sterile revised view of marriage.
They smashed the traditional view. That alone should be enough to keep
the fighting spirit alive. It would also put a smile on the faces of Reagan,
Thatcher, and John Paul.
Roger Hines
December 15, 2022
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