The SBC Under Siege But Still a Force for Good
Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA) June 18/19, 2022
Baptists are by no means completely southern anymore. In fact the largest
Southern Baptist church is located in the state of California. Think about
that. Over the years there have been efforts to change the name of the Southern
Baptist Convention but none have been successful. This massive, voluntary
fellowship of churches has held high the banner of an inerrant Bible and
evangelism. Many feel that the name SBC has come to be recognized for its
theology more than for its place of origin.
the SBC has been dealing with charges of sexual abuse against some of its pastors
and other members. In response to the charges, the SBC’s Executive Committee
engaged an investigative agency, Guidepost Solutions, to study the issue. The
agency reported that for the past two decades key leaders (pastors, Executive
Committee members, etc.) had covered up the extent of the abuses. In a 205-page
document, the SBC Executive Committee released the names of over 700 convicted
or “credibly accused clergy sexual abusers.” Thirty-eight pastors on the list
were from Georgia.
some perspective, there are 3,400 SBC churches in Georgia. Many of those
churches have multiple pastors, youth ministers, children’s ministers, etc.
Thirty-eight offenders are thirty-eight too many but the numerical findings, if
true, do not suggest that Southern Baptists are beset with the abuse problem
which the Baptist News Global network (not affiliated with the SBC) or The
Tennessean newspaper (published in Nashville where the SBC is headquartered)
either outright or subtly claims.
central question in the issue is that of who should and can be held
accountable. Is the full SBC responsible for local church abuses or abuse
cover-ups? Whom can and should accusers sue? The answers to these questions are
not murky, but they do require an understanding of Southern Baptist polity.
“fellowship of congregations” is probably the best and most precise characterization
for the 14 million people and the 47,000 plus churches that comprise the SBC.
With no pope, bishop, conference superintendents or such, the SBC is a
conglomeration of Baptist churches that subscribe to its “Baptist Faith and
Message” and contribute to its Cooperative Program, the mechanism that supports
missionaries, colleges, a press and publishing arm, and six theological
seminaries. Each Southern Baptist church is totally autonomous and independent
of all other churches. There is no hierarchy of any measure.
facts regarding polity, of which most non-Southern Baptists are understandably
uninformed, have led many to misrepresent the SBC and to speak of it in ways
that are distinctly unfair. Since each church is totally autonomous, that
church and not any other, is totally responsible for its own actions. There is
no board or any other entity that lays down the law, punishes, or directs the
local churches, each of which hires its own pastor and is self-governing. What
then unites them?
unites them is their strongly held belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of
God which has led to their equally strong emphasis on personal evangelism,
missions, and church planting. Southern Baptists are now in all 50 states.
largest protestant group in America, Southern Baptists do have an annual
meeting (“convention’) every summer, usually at a major city. At this
convention is where “messengers” (not technically delegates) vote on issues
regarding their churches and the culture at large. This vote has no hold on
local churches but is considered a reliable read of where Southern Baptists
stand on the issues voted on.
past week in Anaheim, California the newly elected president of the SBC, Bart
Barber from Texas, declared that “the tables have turned on sexual predators.”
He was responding to the convention’s overwhelming vote to implement safeguards
to protect members from sexual abuse. Since action on the sexual abuse
safeguards was the centerpiece of the annual meeting and since the vote was so
overwhelming, SBC congregations are no doubt eager to resume their main mission
which is to spread the Gospel and their accompanying task of being one of the
largest disaster relief organizations in the country. We can be sure that the SBC
will also continue to speak to a culture gone crazy with sexual chaos, crime,
and suppression of religious freedom.
Baptists and the SBC have been blessed with many leaders like Marietta’s well
known former pastor Nelson Price and Kennesaw First Baptist pastor Perry
Fowler. These community-minded men, along with thousands like them, are not
about to let a difficult, though important, issue stay them from their
appointed task which is to serve God and point others to Him.
Roger Hines
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