Sunday, June 12, 2022

Whole Lotta Twisting Going On


                                        Whole Lotta Twisting Going On

                        Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 6/11/22

             It was Chubby Checker who shook to the rhythms of “Twisting the Night Away” and Jerry Lee Lewis who banged out “Whole Lot-a Shaking Going On.”  Allow me to blend their song titles to argue a point.

            There’s a word for twisting that we prefer to avoid. That word is perversion. Perversion is everywhere. A perversion is not an opposite; it is a twist.  The perversion of liberty is not bondage, but license. The perversion of love is not hate, but lust. To twist or mis-define liberty is to assume that liberty has no boundaries and that one can stretch liberty as far as one wishes. Today the definitions of just about everything are being twisted.

If I am the one doing the twisting, then I have perverted something. I am thus a re-definer of long-established words and norms. In the case of Pride Month, my goal would be to re-define and re-set human sexuality. Yes, June is Pride Month. Pride Month is not for children for the same reason that Super Bowl half-time shows aren’t, unless you’re ok with your children viewing near nudity, hearing filthy lyrics, seeing perverse parades, and watching celebration of every obscene, sexual aberration that exists. For our veterans we grant one day of celebration. For our presidents, one day. For our war dead, one day. For the so-called LGBTQ community an entire month has been self-acclaimed. That’s called in-your-face. Re-setters are after our children and grandchildren and are no longer denying it.

The Oxford English Dictionary says perversion is the “alteration of something from its original course or state to a distortion of what was first intended.” That is exactly what the LGBTQ agenda is after. It distorts sexuality – biology itself – and by extension, marriage and family. Perversion isn’t always sexual. It can be political or religious. We often speak of the “perversion of justice.” Although “deviation” is a statistical term, it too is often a synonym of perversion.

Of course June Pride Month is about sexuality and sex. Mark Mitchell, the Dean of Academic Affairs at Patrick Henry College, has called Pride Month “a twisted rainbow,” referring specifically to the gay pride flag.

            Nobody likes the word perversion or the word deviant. But perversion is now widespread, and is being promoted by corporations, professional sports, education, and even the military. If there is any opinion that can get you slammed, threatened and verbally abused, it is an opinion that opposes the agenda now pushed by the LGBTQ lobby. Even the very letters LGBTQ have become sacrosanct. We simply are not considered free to disagree with LGBQT’s agenda. Their demand is “Think as I think.”

            You probably don’t think as LGBQT thinks if you’re a Christian. One who is a Bible believer has no choice but to reject LGBQT”s views of human sexuality. You probably believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman because “Male and female created He them.” You certainly don’t believe that drag queens should parade around in elementary schools. You might consider “gender fluidity” non-scientific or rebellion against nature.

            Why have freedom-loving Americans allowed a single group to become so tyrannical? LGBTQ’s grip on corporate America and the sports world is absolutely stunning. Athletes who won’t bow and employees who won’t go along are punished. People of faith who disagree are accused of bigotry. Spineless corporations such as Kellogg’s, Black and Decker, Bank of America, Kroger, Target, Wal-Mart, Disney (of course), Blue Cross Blue Shield, Burger King, Oreo’s Cookies, AT&T, Kohl’s, and Toyota are but a small number of the companies that have touted their support of Pride Month. Four Seasons Hotels/Resorts keeps it simple. Their perversion-affirming motto is a cool, non-threatening trio of words: “Love openly; Love equally; Love proudly.” How innocent sounding, but we know what they’re referring to.

            The Marines have joined this crusade also. From what we’ve seen on television of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Milley, we shouldn’t be surprised. Instead of “Semper Fi,” (always faithful), the General may as well tell the Marines to change their noble motto to “Always Contemporary,” or “Always Chasing Cultural Winds Instead of the Nation’s Enemies.”

            Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. In promoting it the LGBTQ community has become the master shakedown artist of corporate America. This shakedown has shaken up marriage and the family. It has cut love and desire loose from any normative order. It has confused children. Yet, most parents and pulpits are silent.

            The colors of the rainbow have been repurposed. The twist is on, big time. It’s now or never for people of common sense to resist.


Roger Hines

June 9, 2022



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