Wednesday, August 17, 2022

They’re after our children and always have been


                                         They’re after our children and always have been 

                                 Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA) July 23/24, 2022

            Let’s say you have a 5 or 6-year-old child or grandchild in a public school. This child is  full of questions, and is of course quite impressionable. As a loving parent or grandparent, you always try to answer the serious and sometimes comical questions the 5 or 6-year-old throws at you (“Why don’t snakes have legs”? “Where does space end”?)

            Given a child’s wondrous desire to learn, it’s wise for parents to know exactly what schools are teaching. Are they teaching things that are contrary to what parents are teaching? Does the curriculum include subjects that are being taught too early or that should not even be addressed? Are schools teaching things parents believe are factually, or morally wrong? Does the curriculum now include outright indoctrination?

            Parents, meet modern education. Kids, meet some ideas and so-called facts which your parents cannot embrace and of which you should keep them fully informed.

            We should have known that sex education, when introduced decades ago, would lead to the present sexual chaos. Facts about human biology and reproduction are one thing. “Transgender studies” are another. Sex and marriage and family living are one thing. A man with a husband and a woman with a wife are another. Kindness to all people is one thing. Being labeled a homophobe for believing homosexuality is rebellion against nature is another.

            So here we are, not just in America, but in the entire western world falling all over ourselves trying to unravel gender. Let me amend that statement. Countless professors, college students, Hollywoodites, media stars, and extreme left liberals – pardon the repetition – are trying to unravel gender. Ordinary folks have always assumed gender was settled. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Why the fuss? Have leftists never studied genitalia? Were we all not born of a woman? Oh, the nonsense!

            Homosexuality is almost as old as mankind, but the contesting of whether one is a male or female is fairly new, hardly 50 years old in America. Today we are considered bigots by America’s social/political left if we do not accept the notion that one can “identify” as the gender he or she – oops – make that the gender “one” wishes to be. Gender has become optional, therefore changeable.

            Consider the effect that this view of sexuality has on our children, whether they are 5 or 15. No wonder there is so much gender confusion among children and youth. Faith cometh by hearing and so has this confusion. While we should be kind toward anyone who is seriously and sincerely struggling with such confusion, we can be pretty sure that the culture is largely to blame. How often do we hear masculinity being described as “toxic” or femininity as “perceived weakness”? America and Europe both have reduced masculinity and femininity to societal constructs. Pope Benedict XVI who succeeded the beloved Pope John Paul II wrote, “the impulse to liberate ourselves from all authorities, traditions, nature, and God has made us into our own creators. Such an impulse dissolves our understanding of what it is to be human and denigrates our physical bodies. It weakens relationships, especially within the family.”

            From this Baptist to a Catholic Pope, a hearty “Amen!” 

            John Grabowski, gender issues researcher at Catholic University of America, argues that denial of sexual differences, as well as the efforts to change one’s gender, have had ill effects. For post-operative transgender people, Grabowski states, the rate of psychiatric hospitalization is three times higher than for control groups. Suicide attempts are five times higher.

            Even so, “gender ideology” fills the air. Transgendered males are playing on female sports teams, a gross unfairness. The University of Pennsylvania has nominated its now famous trans swimmer Lia Thomas for the NCAA Woman of the Year award. Since sports are now as woke as the military, her win is likely.

            Amidst all the sexual rebellion stand our impressionable children. Sexual rebels are telling children they are the result of mindless chemical and biological processes, processes that can be altered if one doesn’t “identify” with them. Sexual ideologues, many of them educators, are after our children. Following their philosophical father John Dewey, the father of modern public education, (see Dewey’s “Pedagogic Creed,” 1897) they wish to replace parents with “educational conditioners,” or what today are called “groomers.”

            It’s time for parents to make some more noise and time for their nemesis, Attorney General Garland, to be impeached. This could very well happen if Republicans take control of Congress. (See Article II, Section 4 of the nation’s rule book.)


Roger Hines

July 21, 2022

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