Monday, August 29, 2022

The Present is No Time for Unity

The Present is No Time for Unity

Published in Marietta Daily Journal August 20/21, 2022

            I’ve had only two fights in my life and I won both, not because I was strong or knew how to fight, but because a sense of justice lit a fire in me and rendered me momentarily uncontrollable.  That’s not to say that I lost control of my emotions or my senses. It means that my three opponents could not control me. A burning desire to instantly right a wrong was all that enabled me and produced success.

            Fight one. We had all had enough of Jimmy Bailey. It was an outdoor P.E. class. It was the eighth grade which means I was thirteen or fourteen.

            Jimmy Bailey was a bully. I watched him push and shove others around. When he struck Otis Massey, I knew I would have to do something. Otis was extremely timid. His family was even poorer than mine. When “the Bailey boy” without cause or reason walked up to Otis and hit him in the ribs, something came over me. I rushed over and struck Jimmy Bailey in the face with the heel of my hand. He reeled, sat down, and began to cry. I’ve no doubt that shock served to correct him as much as my sure blow. Fights were fairly common so our teacher, the football coach, did nothing. As for Jimmy Bailey, he changed his ways.

            Fight two. In college I was known as Bill Ladd’s roommate. Bill Ladd was my best friend and was tall, dark, and handsome. Although he could have whipped a bear, he was a gentle giant known all over the campus for his looks, personality, and athletic ability. I was pleased to walk along in his shadow. Knowing his character, I was pleased and eager to defend him as well.

            It was an intra-mural basketball game in the college gym. Suffering from a bad back I was reduced to keeping stats on the bench for our dorm’s team. At a point in the game, I happened to look up from my clip board and saw that my heroic friend had just grabbed a rebound but for some reason had been attacked by two guys on the opposing team. Jimmy Bailey! Otis Massey! Consciously, again, and again infused by a lightning strike of justice I threw my clip board down, slung one of my dear friend’s attackers on the floor and gave the other my Jimmy Bailey special. Eventually, they both got up to apologize and all was well.

            How is it that contemporary politics recently returned my mind to Otis Massey and Bill Ladd?  I say it’s because we are sitting idly by and allowing chaos, violence, double standards, and sheer tyranny to prevail. Yes, I’m referring to the chaos of transgender politics that defies human biology, messes with the minds of children and allows men to control girl sports. I’m referring to the violence of our major Democrat-run cities that is seeping out into small town and rural America, to the overlooked violent “summer of love” and the obsession over goons who stormed the Capitol and who could have been thwarted but weren’t. I’m referring to the double standards applied to Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, and other Democrat operatives versus those applied to former President Trump and God knows how many of his present and former associates. I’m referring to the tyranny of an administration and its party that has already legislated that IRS agents be increased by 87,000 to ferret out our pocketbooks, and to the outrageous border crisis that our not so nimble president cares nothing about. I refer to the dying yet still poisonous and poisoning media that hates Donald Trump so much that it will overlook the corruption of our president and his family. About half the voters in 2016 voted for Trump, yet his enemies continue to hope that one more attack against him will be their charm.

            It’s time for lovers of freedom not just to vote but to solicit others in any way they can to fight the present tyranny. When unity is impossible, victory is necessary.

            Decades ago at Meridian (MS) High School, long after Otis Massey and Bill Ladd, six excellent coaches just for fun held  Saturday classes for male faculty to teach them self-defense.  I learned from these great coaches how to defend myself. I appreciate the skills they taught us; however, I still don’t believe that physical readiness is as reliable as a sense of urgency brought on by the recognition of a need and a deep desire for freedom from tyranny. That need is now.


Roger Hines

August 18, 2022 

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