Saturday, November 14, 2015

Is a Jeffersonian 'Little Rebellion' at Hand?

                                       Is a Jeffersonian “Little Rebellion” at Hand?

                                                                           Published in Marietta Daily Journal Aug. 30, 2015

The barbarians are at the gates.  The peasants are headed toward the palace with their pitchforks. 
            Not really.  What has actually happened is ordinary people have found a megaphone, a new national leader.  Many of them, not all, are Tea Partiers.  This doesn’t mean that every Tea Party group supports that national leader.  It only means the sentiments that birthed the Tea Party are strikingly similar to those held by the supporters of Donald Trump.
            True, the first modern Tea Partiers in 2009 focused on taxes and the nation’s profligate spending, while this new leader has made illegal immigration his chief issue.  Even so, many Tea Partiers and those who have joined their ranks appear determined to dump some more tea and stir things up.
            The barbarians and peasants are actually normal middle class folks.  But to political party echelons, high paid consultants, big donors, special interests and lobbyists, they are still riffraff.
            Sooner or later every pot needs to be stirred.  Sometimes you have to fire people.  Sometimes Jefferson’s notion of “a little rebellion” needs to take place.  New wine cannot stay in old wineskins. 
Neither can freedom remain for too long on any one vehicle, because freedom likes to flow.  Political parties, contrary to George Washington’s fears, have served for over 200 years as America’s mechanism for choosing leaders.  But today one of those parties is being tested like never before.  Its leadership has been tone deaf. The riffraff are unwilling to take it anymore.
“It” is government intrusion, government regulation, government expansion, IRS excesses and an elitist media/political complex.  “It” is the timidity of political leaders whose fathers successfully defeated the evil ideologies of Nazism and Communism but who are skittish about even acknowledging the evil ideology of Islamic terrorism.
  How far we have come from President Clinton’s famous words just after his midterm shellacking in 1994. “The era of big government is over,” Clinton declared in his state of the union address.  The riffraff thought it might finally be so. But a few years after that platitude came No Child Left Behind, Dodd-Frank, TARP, executive orders and Obamacare, not to mention Benghazi, ISIS, loss of a nation we helped stabilize, loss of national prestige and flattened wages. 
            Elites are not only squirming, they are showing fear on their faces and in their words.  Network and cable news anchors appear nervous every time they interview the supposedly “buffoonish” Trump.   George Will, ordinarily one of the nation’s best thinkers and communicators, says there is reason to “voice robust disgust” with the riffraff’s new leader.  An intellectual if there ever was one, Will has served the cause of conservatism well, yet when it comes to the present turmoil, he still prefers old wineskins.
            Bill Kristol, son of the father of neo-conservatism, Irvin Kristol, says he’s finished with the riffraff’s new leader.  He, too, prefers old wineskins.  Karl Rove has cast aspersions and gloom on the riffraff.  Tethered to old line alliances and unmindful of who the riffraff really are, Rove continues to tout the establishment.
            This upending of the Republican Party (and eventually the Democratic Party that must deal gingerly with its own avowed socialist candidate) is concurrent with two other social upheavals.  One is the cracking of religious denominations as evidenced by countless unaffiliated churches – most of them with cutesy names – sprinkled across the nation.  The other is the fading of the old media or television networks that have fallen to cable and the internet.  What’s changing is delivery systems and what the riffraff are angry about is the current system’s failure to deliver.
            The current system has failed to deliver candidates who are not beholden to donors.  The candidates it has produced have, instead of representing voters, become members of a buddy club who should be fighting each other on behalf of their constituents instead of chumming it up.
            The riffraff have found in their new leader a candidate who acknowledges their love of flags and fetuses, who rightly rejects the notion that the 14th amendment grants citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. (It really doesn’t.  Read it.) In 1866 illegal immigration was not an issue.  The amendment was intended for former slaves.
            Finally, the riffraff have a candidate who doesn’t bore them to death and who has the ability to ignite Jefferson’s call for occasional, legitimate rebellion.  That spirit of rebellion is much deeper than our political leadership and media stars realize.  They best beware and the rest of us best prepare for surprising political re-alignments of all stripes in the next decade.
            Politically, the planets are shifting.  All because regular folks and a city boy billionaire found each other.  I, for one, will stay tuned.
Roger Hines


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