Is Atlas Shrugging?
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 10/30/20
if you will, the Charles Atlas weight building ads that for decades appeared in
magazines across America. Charles Atlas was an Italian-American who created and
marketed a popular bodybuilding course. Though Atlas’s name was actually Angelo
Siciliano, he legally changed it after being told his physique resembled the
statue of Atlas, the Greek titan.
mythological Atlas, punished for attempting to topple the head god Zeus, was confined
to bearing the weight of the world and the heavens on his shoulders for
eternity. Hence the statue of the bent but muscular Atlas holding up the world.
Hence the commercially inspired pictures of the well-muscled Charles Atlas who
taught American men how to get buffed.
from the mythological Atlas, novelist Ayn Rand in 1957 authored her 1000-page
novel titled Atlas Shrugged. A stern
libertarian who unlike most anti-statists was an avowed atheist, Rand came from
Russia to the United States in 1926. She became an eloquent opponent of
collectivism and the leading literary proponent of capitalism. Rand had reason
to reject collectivism. The Bolshevists disrupted her family’s comfortable life
and confiscated her father’s business. Her family almost starved under Lenin’s
academia’s ingrained leftist ideology, we can be sure that few if any
universities made Rand’s books required reading. Even so Atlas Shrugged has been rated in several surveys (Library of Congress
and Book-of-the-Month Club among them) as the second-most-influential book of
all time behind the Bible. The book’s central theme is the evils of tyrannical
A child prodigy, Rand
understood what was happening in Russia. Enthralled by America’s freedom,
bigness, and particularly the skyline of Manhattan, she cried “tears of
splendor” upon viewing it. Contrasting America to Russia, Rand became an American
citizen and an anti-communist activist.
is no Atlas holding up the world, but something or Somebody is. We know that
physically the planet we live on is suspended in air, but that awe-inspiring
reality is not of great moment in turbulent 2020. Currently we must give our
thoughts to more immediate realities such as human civilization, behavior, governance,
and keeping tyranny at bay.
ages man’s major enemy was tyrants and their tyranny. For centuries man yearned
to be free but was everywhere in chains. In ancient Greece glimmers of
political freedom appeared, but only glimmers. Actually not until 244 years ago
did there emerge on the globe a momentous, radical, and lasting revolution that
freed man from kings, queens, princes, dukes, popes and the like. 244 years is
not a long time. Chronologically America is still a babe in arms.
a freed and self-governing people, sullied their character and defiled their
claims of equality when they tolerated slavery and segregation. Those ills,
however, were addressed. Americans have since elected and re-elected a Black president.
But even the election of a Black citizen to lead the nation has not tempered
the anger of domestic, racist terrorists. Crime, particularly vandalism,
rioting, and Black on Black murder, is raging. Many political, business, and religious
leaders are excusing the rioting. The vandals are justifiably venting, these
leaders claim.
the mythical Atlas is shrugging. He cannot station himself securely and hold us
up when free people reject the results of their elections. In 2016 the losers
rejected election results, igniting civil unrest. They, not the winner of the
presidential election, caused Atlas to shift his feet in order not to fall.
political conservatives lose the election next week, they must accept it and
sharpen their persuasion skills during the next four years. If they follow the
bad example of their liberal counterparts of 2016, incivility will persist. If
liberals lose the election next week, they too had better consider the chaos
their refusal has caused. To lose and then continue fighting as the loyal
opposition is noble. To lose, become a crybaby, and attempt a coup is ruinous.
socialism Ayn Rand fled is the socialism that awaits us if Americans elect the
wrong person. Socialism is an economic
system in which the means of production and distribution are totally in the
hands of the government. When private producers are destroyed (a la Marx, Lenin
and Bernie), free enterprise is destroyed.
Public schools and Medicare are not socialism.
For Karl Marx, socialism was the transactional, interim social state between
capitalism and communism, a fact Democrats don’t like to admit. Americans can
have it if they wish, but choosing it will negate the courage of the ragtag
farmers and small businessmen who only 244 years ago whipped the world’s most
powerful empire, thereby giving a new nation constitutional government.
America shrugs next Tuesday, the world will shrug also, heading straight back
to tyrants and tyranny.
Roger Hines
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