Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 11/20/20
Calls for unity
from presidential candidate Joe Biden, if heeded, would lead only to fake
unity. These are no longer the more cordial times of Reagan and Democrat House
Speaker Tip O’Neil or, more locally, of Johnny Isaacson and Roy Barnes.
call for unity was preceded by four years of Democrat rejection of Donald Trump’s
“illegitimate” presidency, not to mention name calling: Russian spy, traitor,
racist, and self-serving egotist. And now we’re being urged by the oh-so-conciliatory
Democrat candidate to join together and be civil?
together, they say. The election is over. No, there are a few more steps
between now and January. Media stars don’t get to “call” elections. Voters do.
Meanwhile, as those legitimate steps are being taken, Democrats who dragged a duly elected president through
the mud, refused to attend his inauguration, and sanctimoniously looked down on
his 63,000,000 unwashed, uneducated supporters are now calling for unity. And
don’t forget “Russia, Russia / collusion, collusion / impeachment, impeachment
and ventilators, ventilators.” Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrats.
Never before has
politics been about so much more than just politics. Aristotle’s definition of politics was “the
affairs of the polis,” the city, that is. Aristotle lived when great city-states
like Athens and later Rome were the centers of power. Nations as we know them
now with distinct borders were yet to come. Localism, not distant governance,
was the order of the day. “The affairs of the polis,” of course, always
involved power, and power is addictive. It’s the drug of the emotionally needy.
This is not to say that
all who hold political office are power-hungry. Cincinnatus wasn’t and had to
be persuaded to leave his fields to lead Rome. George Washington wasn’t,
refusing all efforts of the few who wanted him to be a king (Hamilton among
them, duh! Kings are what we gained independence from!).
Yes, politics is now
more than politics, far more than love of and care for the polis. It is now the
ideological vehicle upon which revolutionaries have hopped and seized the
steering wheel. How else do we explain the Democrat defense of the Black Lives
Matter organization? (I said the organization, not the concept which, even so,
has been sullied; all lives matter.) And Antifa? How many Democrat leaders have
disavowed them? Had Portland been burned down by right wing thugs instead of by
the Democrats’ ideological buddies, Democrats would have gone ballistic.
Leftist politics is now
anchored to the notion of “transforming” the nation. Transform the police, the
electoral college, the Supreme Court, health care, our narrow, out-of-step notions
of human sexuality, our union itself by creating more states (guess why), and
most transformative of all, the definition of free speech. The 1960’s flower
children heralded free speech to the strains of Peter, Paul and Mary yet their
grandchildren have turned free speech on its head. If it’s news they don’t
like, that news is a “conspiracy theory.” If it’s you they don’t like, you’re
And of course the Covid
“pandemic” (let’s talk about that word) has not been wasted by the President’s
enemies. A pandemic is “an outbreak of disease that affects many lands.” Pan,
the goat-headed Greek god of nature, darted everywhere around and outside the
city. His name is always in reference to the number of nations, not the depth
of a disease within a nation. Divide 330,000,000 (the USA’s population) into
11, 025,046 (the number of cases as of this writing). Divide 330,000,000 into
246,108 (the number of deaths). Then decide whether or not you really need to
cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So where are we headed?
Toward unity with those who are ho-hum about infanticide? Toward more
non-ending wars? Toward Biden-Bernie socialism/theft that takes from producers
(the villagers) and gives to the village (the government)? Toward sanctimonious
Christians who can’t forgive and forget a President’s past? Toward
forgetfulness of a billionaire president who energized good, common sense
These questions will be
answered by the Georgia U.S. Senate race in January. Never has any local
election determined so greatly the direction of the entire nation.
There’s hope for
conservatives, however. Even though the cemeteries went strong for Biden, Black
and Latino support for the GOP increased. Pollsters again embarrassed themselves.
Their power to influence is waning. By 2022 for the off-year Congressional
elections, deplorable strength will have increased. In 2024 if the Republican
nominee isn’t Trump it will surely be a candidate who espouses Trump’s agenda.
Re-elected or not in our still undetermined
current election, Donald Trump has remade his party and the world. His army of
deplorables are by no means down and out.
Roger Hines
What a great and concise explanation of where we are today in our culture, politics, and health as a nation!