Monday, May 27, 2019

Abortion and the Abortionists

                           Abortion and the Abortionists

               Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 3/26/19
            This past week my wife received a mail-out from Planned Parenthood.  It included a membership card and an appeal for money.  My wife did not solicit the information, has never been a member of Planned Parenthood and most certainly never will be.  She doesn’t believe in “terminating” unborn babies or in the ridiculous claim that doing so is a part of “reproductive health.”
            This appeal came at a wrong time for us.  Our youngest son and his wife are expecting their second child in July.  It’s a girl.  When I look at our beautiful daughter-in-law in her third trimester, I think of Governor Northam of Virginia (a doctor!) who defended letting babies die after birth.  He has paid no political price.  After a brief stir, things are back to normal for Northam.
            I think also of Joe Biden who recently said if he is elected president, he would do everything within his power to maintain “abortion rights.”
            Abortion “rights”?  The “right” to get rid of a baby?  Just what is abortion?  How is it done?  Why is it done?  We know the answers to these questions.  Abortion ends the life, horribly so, of unborn babies.  And that is a “right”?  God forbid.  There is no separation of the abortionist and abortion supporters.  They are all accomplices.
            Abortion is done in different ways, and they are all barbaric.  Why is it done?  That’s the most important and revealing question.  It is not done mostly because of rape.  It’s done out of convenience, because people don’t want the baby they have produced.  Regarding rape, I’m glad that the black actress and Christian singer Ethel Waters, the result of rape, wasn’t aborted.
            Reading through the mail-out also made me think about Stacy Abrams, Nancy Pelosi, the National Organization of Women, and many others, all of whom are complicit with the infamous Dr. Gosnell.  The whole picture makes me sad and angry.  Where is our respect for the wonder, the mystery, and the sacredness of life?  Are abortionists and their cheerleaders not bothered at all by the brutal act of dismemberment or suction?
            What a philosophical dance to toy with the word “viable.”  What a moral judgment to “decide” when human life is human life.  It is akin to the euthanasia argument that says “quality of life” is the determining factor in whether or not assisted suicide should be permissible.
            How did abortion become the centerpiece of the Democratic Party?  How can any woman who is carrying a baby allow it to be killed?  How did so many American and European women become hostile to the thought of pregnancy and motherhood?
            Our modern culture wants no limitation on sex.  Now we can – or so we think – choose our sex, change our sex, reduce sex to entertainment only, and simply rid ourselves of the undesired result of sex.  One chief aim of liberalism has been to free man from nature and nature’s God, particularly regarding sexuality.
            But more and more Americans are speaking out against abortion, with little help from Congressional conservatives.  Eleven state legislatures have already passed “heartbeat bills” that virtually end abortions in their states.  The persistent work of Concerned Women of America (which dwarfs the NOW), the Family Research Council, and other pro-life groups is paying off.  It’s no longer a fight between activist organizations.  Ordinary citizens are apparently telling their state legislatures how they feel.
            The movie “Unplanned” has revealed much about Planned Parenthood.  Its main true character, Abby Johnson, had risen from volunteer to clinic manager.  Upon witnessing an abortion for the first time in her own clinic, she left Planned Parenthood and began to give speeches that advance the pro-life position and uncover the details of Planned Parenthood’s evil.  I suspect witnessing an abortion might change Abrams, Pelosi, and anyone else.  But how likely is it that they or any of us will ever witness one?  Enjoying bloody murder and raunchy sex on the screen, we withdraw from depicting the act of abortion.
            And just why has our federal government continued to give money to Planned Parenthood?  Perhaps because members of Congress have never witnessed an abortion either, or because there has been no effective groundswell against the murderous act.  But that is changing and changing fast.
            The letter my wife received states there are nearly 20 abortion cases that are one step away from the Supreme Court.  Yes, the letter was a fund-raising effort, but it also revealed a real fear of the changing wind at the state level.
            Technology is opening many eyes, but it was observation that changed Abby Johnson.  I pray that many other Planned Parenthood employees and supporters will be changed as well.

Roger Hines

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