Voices That Still Whisper
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal 10/22/17
a century or more, three men have ruled over us from their graves. We still bear their mark. We live under their
influence. The ideas of Charles Darwin,
Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud don’t just linger.
They dominate.
America and Europe, Darwinian theory is science education’s default
position. In America’s science
classrooms, Darwinism is the gospel. If
you question it, your intellect is in question and you’re as backward as those
who doubt that humans cause global warning.
for Marx, don’t think socialism is dead.
The vast Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is no more – thanks to
Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John, and the enlightened Soviet Premier
Gorbachev – but active socialists are still everywhere. In China, parts of Europe, Venezuela, and in
pesky Cuba, to name only a few, socialists persist.
Freud? The father of today’s talking
industry (psychoanalysis, Dr. Phil, etc.) may be losing ground in
psychologists’ offices, but you wouldn’t know it from examining college
psychology textbooks.
still reject Aristotle’s time-honored scientific method, as do most science
teachers who teach and preach Darwinism.
Aristotle insisted that the scientific approach to all questions and
research should be to observe, record, and theorize, or draw a hypothesis. He taught and practiced experimentation. If the question is whether or not ivory soap
floats, place it in water – many times – and see. Theorize therefrom: ivory soap floats, or it
regarding the origin of man, who was present to observe and record? Not Darwin or anyone else we’ve been able to
locate. So Darwinists speculate and
theorize without observation, record, or repeatable experiment. How scientific or reliable is that? Darwinists are people of great faith. Does anyone truly think man’s origins can be
either verified or falsified by any imaginable evidence?
is not dead. Or maybe he is and is being
propped up by the field of education which, one would think, should teach us to
examine more than one theory.
professing Marxists (socialists) are alive and well in America, and are neither
secretive nor quiet. Can we all say
Bernie Sanders? Never in presidential
politics has an avowed socialist attracted and aroused as many voters as
Sanders did. Whether he practices what
he preaches is being called into question.
He is doing well financially.
It’s fair to ask if he is distributing his wealth. He wants the rest of us to do so.
out, there is a great difference between Democrats and Republicans after
all. Does anyone think Sanders could
have run as a Republican? What does the
Democratic Party’s embrace of Sanders say about the Democratic Party?
Marx lives and whispers through Sanders and his socialized medicine, fake
equality, and forced charity. (Why
should governments at any level subsidize the arts or non-profit
charities? Let individuals decide for
themselves where they shall give their money.)
Marx is neither dead nor propped up.
It wasn’t
Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hefner who began the sexualization of
America. It was Freud. Hefner only commercialized Freud’s
philosophy. Yes, let’s call Freud a
philosopher. Like Darwin and Marx, he
initiated a belief system, a religion as it were. Denying the power of the territorial
imperative (the desire for one’s own place, house, or territory), or the power
of selfless love, Freud posits sex as the strongest human impulse or drive.
the 1960s, college students have fed on Freudian thought. If Hefner’s salacious pornography wasn’t
available in the campus bookstore or somewhere nearby, the titillating ideas
about sexuality from Freud and all the “sexologists” he spawned could be found
in textbooks. Adamantly opposed to
religion, particularly his parents’ Judaism, Freud copied Darwin and Marx and
created his own. Whether or not
psychologists still employ Freud’s message and methods, his religion still
covers the earth.
is not dead. Neither does he
whisper. He shouts from Hollywood and
the seedy mansions of pornographers. He
is transported into the populace by hotel chains and into homes by AT&T. The porn he birthed is ubiquitous.
Marxism, and Freudism enjoy a stronghold granted them by academia. All three are academia’s orthodoxy. Darwin set out to find who we are and where
we came from; Marx aspired to empower the proletariat by demonizing capitalism. Freud sought to loosen us from our supposed
“sexual bonds of sexual repression.”
atop their pinnacles they perch. Wise we
would be to rope them and give the rope a substantial tug. The future of our children would be well
Roger Hines
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