The Media’s Selective Rage: What
Happens When Lady Justice Winks?
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 8/20/17
we go again. Have we noticed the
pattern? Store window bashing in
Ferguson, Baltimore, and other cities was attributed to “years of frustration
over racism and bigotry.” In other
words, it was excusable.
was the blocking of traffic on major arteries and the vile mistreatment of cops
across the country. The “frustration” of
black youths should be understood, we were told.
The Black Lives Matter organization, though it
chanted murderous things about cops, was also granted victimhood and invited to
the Obama White House. The Black
Panthers, that aging group from the ‘60’s who stood just outside voting
precincts to remind voters how they had better vote, went unpunished.
But in Charlottesville, Virginia the
violence done by the KKK, the White Nationalists, and the neo-Nazis is tagged
abhorrent by the liberal media, Democrats, and certain Republicans, none of
whom were outraged by the violence of Black Lives Matter.
Let’s call it what it is: selective
rage. As it turns out, Lady Justice is
not blind after all. In fact she often
winks. Media liberals wink at leftists
when they commit violence. They have
strokes when so-called right wing groups commit theirs. Why CNN, MSNBC, and all three of the old line
networks can’t label it all inexcusable is beyond me. Leftist violence on college campuses, for
instance, draws a wink from the media.
It lays bare their bleeding hearts, revealing their long held belief
that violence is ok when committed by minorities or precious college students.
The Charlottesville violence wasn’t
committed by President Trump, yet the media blames him.
Trump is faulted for not using the exact words of condemnation the media
stars preferred. A handful of
Congressional Republicans, instead of defending themselves and their party’s
duly elected president, rushed to the cameras to distance themselves from the
Republicans should be angry that they are clumped with the KKK. A good three quarters of them, however, are
afraid of the media. That fear explains
the moral high horse they climb upon when falsely accused.
Why aren’t Republicans quick to
point toward former Democratic U.S. Senate icon Robert Byrd who was a wizard in
the KKK? Or to Arkansas Senator William
Fulbright, Bill Clinton’s mentor and a staunch segregationist? Or to Al Gore, Sr.? Why not remind the nation who gave us
Lincoln, abolition, and the Civil Rights Act?
It wasn’t Democrats. They gave us
abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender bathrooms, and Obamacare.
Calling the KKK and the other vile
groups at Charlottesville right wingers is an uninformed misnomer. In no way are they philosophical
conservatives. Neo-Nazis aren’t right
wingers. The Nazis were socialists. They promoted government takeover of
practically every phase of people’s lives.
Adolf Hitler’s political philosophy lay nowhere near Jefferson or
Reagan’s limited government views. To be
precise, we could call Hitler a Democrat as far as his view of the role of
government is concerned. No, not because
of his evil! Because of his political philosophy, i.e., government, government,
government, and centralized power.
So the Caesar-like stabbing video of
President Trump wasn’t violence. I watched
as CNN panelists said it wasn’t. It was
“art.” Strange that Kathy Griffin’s
bloody, detached head of the president got her fired from CNN, but the stabbing
video of him was defended.
The Charlottesville tragedy centered
on the ISIS-style removal of Confederate statues. To that, Condoleezza Rice, who knows
prejudice, declared, “Sanitizing history makes you feel good, but it’s a bad
thing.” Black conservative Alan West
added, “History is not there for us to love or hate, but to learn from. A statue cannot oppress anyone.”
As for hate, does anyone doubt that
the stars of liberal media hate the president?
Their words for the President (a la Maxine Waters) are hypocritically
hate-filled and disrespectful. And we
thought ABC’S Sam Donaldson hated Reagan and CBS’s Dan Rather hated Bush II!
For many Americans it’s painful to
hear or use the word hate so frequently as I am doing here; however, our
current national discourse requires it.
It would help if politicians and news people would give all hate equal
footing and acknowledge that Lady Justice is blind-folded, that at
Charlottesville it was hate versus hate.
On this, the president was right.
It would also help if police would
arrest more lawbreakers, no matter what side they are on.
The media has moved from “not
presidential” to “no moral authority,” as though they treasure truth
themselves. Their own disdain for the president and their condescension for his
unwashed 69 million supporters is blinding them. Their rage is selective and always has been.
So if you say that Trump's number was 69M, then the Democrat had 72 M. That 3M more votes, I believe, was the largest amount of popular vote ever , but the EC victory came due to location. Now that opposition has grown even larger. As a majority there is still and will be, more to oppose the inane legislation attempts by GOP, and the fact that Trump has lied from the beginning. WAPO has the lies at 1000- even if you don't buy that, could it be 700? Never the less, most Americans are not taking him seriously. And we believe it will be most difficult for him to get anything passed, until their bills get more humane and not rob kids, the poor and the elderly. Not to propagate hate, racism or use status classes. I feel you have a great disdain for Blacks ( even many of them do not like the name BLM-they know all lives matter); the fact remains that that you nor any white person, could ever know what it is like to walk in a black persons shoes. I will stick with Democrats. My Christian belief, is to help the weak, the meekest, as Jesus called us to do. I will continue to be a Baptist and a Democrat. Never a turn coat . I see Trump as a con man. Tells you what he will do, then flip flops like most all Presidents. As his base is now seeing. Truth. And the truth can hurt.