Monday, March 13, 2017

A Few Questions about the State of American Culture

                A Few Questions about the State of American Culture

                Published in Marietta Daily Journal March 12, 2017

            Government.    Was Jefferson right when he said, “That government is best which governs least”?  Was Reagan right when he said, “Government isn’t the solution.  Government is the problem”? 
            Are we more likely to be governed better by people close to us than by people far away?    Are there at least 2 or 3 federal departments and scores of agencies we could get rid of?  Is a 26-year-old too old to be covered by his or her parents’ insurance?
            Education.  Can a child learn to read with just a reading teacher and only a few materials? Can teenagers do well in a high school that doesn’t look like the Taj Mahal?   Is teaching a human activity, as opposed to a completely objectifiable or quantifiable one?  Has our testing mania negatively affected learning’s human dimension (encouragement, inspiration, joy, human interaction)?  Has it made test scores our primary objective? 
            Politics.  Did Donald Trump win the presidential election?  Did Democrats lose?  Does President Trump appear to be pursuing what he campaigned on?  With the exception of the People’s Republic of California, would every state turn out thousands for a Trump rally any day of the week?  Could serious social chaos result if losers resist the will of the people and continue to take to the streets?  Is there a breaking point at which conservatives would also hit the streets, causing things to get ugly?
            The media.  Is it true that the U.S. Constitution provides for a free press but not a privileged press?  Shouldn’t the media be held to account just as much as anyone else?  Has slant poisoned real news to the point of its near demise?  Has the media ignored the Trump-influenced surge in just about everybody’s stock portfolio, opting to cram the unsubstantiated Russian scare down our throats daily? 
            Sex and the Society.  Does everybody on the planet have a mother and father?  If so, doesn’t this fact provide an unquestionable nature-based model, a prototype, on which the broader society should be structured?  In other words aren’t a mother, a father, and a child a little unit of society, indeed a little unit of government in which and for which some reasonable rules must be established and followed?  Are rules and self-restraint still the price we pay for civilization?  Is it possible that legalizing so-called homosexual marriage plus all of the emphasis on transgenderism is confusing otherwise well-adjusted children or teens, causing them to wonder what the truth about sexuality really is?
            If it’s “insensitive” to say that homosexuality is rebellion against nature, should we at least be allowed to say that it is an aberration or that in sexual matters we have normalized the marginal?  Has the LGBT lobby become hyper-intolerant?  Do they not claim that one is hateful just because he opposes homosexuality?  If Heather has two mommies, wouldn’t the optimum for her, given nature’s original model, be her mommy and daddy?   Aren’t male and female differences wondrous and do they not complement each other?
            Entertainment.  Is comedy serious business?  Is making fun of something one of the best ways to undermine it?  Are Hollywood celebrities far less knowledgeable of politics and public policy than they think they are?  Is Disney still moving further and further away from wholesome family entertainment?  Does nudity and crude language in movies and on television matter?  Is porn harmful to young and older men alike?  Have parents and community and political leaders stopped caring that porn is now ubiquitous, grabbing young boys (in their homes) at the very outset of puberty?
            Corporate America.  Is corporate America ironically leaning left?  Have many non-practicing capitalists like myself written and spoken in defense of capitalism and corporations only to have their CEO’s turn on us, their customers and defenders, to fawn over the LGBT lobby?  Are corporations crazy to curry the favor of those who consider the word “corporation” a symbol for evil?  Are Chambers of Commerce complicit in dismissing the social issues because their only concern is the dollar?
            Is it possible that America can ever again have some shared values and cease normalizing the marginal?
            Just asking.  And my own answer is yes for every question, even the last one.  But an effectual yes for the last question will require that traditionalists make some noise, light up some phones, attend some meetings, and write some emails.  Otherwise, oppressive government and cultural hedonism will continue their romp, all because of our own disengagement.

Roger Hines


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