Sunday, May 15, 2016

Have we lost our minds?

                                Have we lost our minds? 

                                                                             Published in Marietta Daily Journal May15, 2016

How simple, how naive of me. I figured that when the government said that a man could marry a man and a woman could marry a woman, things had gotten just about as illogical and chaotic as they could get. 

As it turns out, man’s capacity to adopt and adapt to illogical, chaotic public policy is infinite. Comes now the argument that bathrooms don’t matter. Anybody should be allowed to use any bathroom they wish, regardless of their gender, the argument goes. And of course, the federal government is defending that argument. 

Early this week, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch vociferously declared that the Justice Department was filing suit against North Carolina because the state doesn’t want to get its house in order regarding a matter many of us thought was settled when the human race began. In her fevered speech, Ms. Lynch didn’t actually fault the North Carolina Legislature for passing the bill that disallows transgender bathrooms. Her guns were aimed at Gov. Pat McCrory. Seems the governor is sticking to his own guns, defending the Legislature. In fact, McCrory is suing the federal government, claiming that a court, not an agency of the government such as the Justice Department, must clarify what the law says about the matter. Finally, a governor who will defend simple, naive, “regular” types like me and not be bullied by Washington’s social transformation juggernaut. Would that this could be said for a few other governors we don’t need to name. 

At issue is the plight of supposedly transgender people who want to use a bathroom they are comfortable with, no matter what the sign on the bathroom door says. But the issue goes beyond the supposedly transgendered. The cry now is that anyone should be allowed to go to a bathroom with which he/she “identifies,” whether a male or female at birth and whether or not he/she has been “transgendered.” 

Dear reader, stop now and think about this. Is there anything in the mind of a progressive that is nailed down? Any principle, any biological trait? And how in the world did “progressives,” of which the Obama administration is the epitome, come to be called progressives? Indeed they are regressive — regressing at least as far back as the 1st century. Yes, it was the indecisive Pilate who famously raised the question, “What is truth?” 

Even Aristotle didn’t share Progressive Pilate’s mindset. His goal was to find the truth, not deny there was any such thing. Progressives care nothing for Aristotle’s time­honored scientific method: observe, record, theorize. Feelings are much more important than the thinking of a Eurocentric, dead guy Westerner like Aristotle. Old verities must be replaced with new preoccupations, the chief of which is sensitivity. With scorn for absolutes equal to Pilate’s, with utter denial of physical facts, progressives are pushing a relativism that has now reached our children for sure. Let’s see how moms and dads stand up to this. I say any dad of a small or teenage girl who isn’t awakened to social policy by North Carolina’s situation is working too hard or doesn’t care. 

The whole matter is all about being nice to those who are sexually unsure about themselves. So, for less than 1 percent of the population, we are going to put children and women at risk. As a former high school teacher, I can tell you that lots of high school boys (not perverted boys, just mischievous ones) are going to have some fun with this. If dads and moms across the country don’t rise up on this issue, then we have indeed become a nation of sheep and deserve the kind of government we get. 

Attorney General Lynch’s argument leans on the Civil Rights Act and on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal funds.” 

Sounds good to me, but progressives are saying that use of the bathroom of your choice is a civil right, one of the “benefits,” a “participation” afforded you because the state you live in receives federal monies. In her announcement, Lynch equated “Men” and “Women” bathroom signs with “Whites Only” signs of days long gone by. Please re­read that sentence. 

Title IX, which ignited the feminist movement, is now being used to defend craziness. Target Corporation is feeling the heat for joining the craziness. 1.2 million Americans have already signed a pledge to boycott Target stores and Target officials are also having talks with the American Family Association to discuss their boycott. 

Dads, where are you? Your daughters need you. 

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