This Time It’s Not the Economy
Everybody needs a roof, food and water, and
some mode of transportation to get to work. Economic needs are real. But man
cannot live by bread alone. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual needs are just
as important. Pity the man who thinks his body is the only thing that needs
many things are now shaky for U.S. citizens. Inflation, job loss, the U.S.
dollar’s impending loss of status in global trade, and debt which Congress
recently once again chose to kick down the road are all reasons for concern.
But as uncertain as these matters are, there are other issues that are equally
important. Feed only the body and the bank account but never the soul or the
mind and you will experience one or more of the following conditions:
loneliness, joylessness, fear, failure, or suicide. It appears that our
economic worries have blinded us to two problems that are already pervasive and
visibly destructive. I’m referring to the crime and moral perversion that are
sweeping the country, and I predict that as we move closer to 2024, Middle
America is going to make these two issues the primary ones.
are signs that the silent middle is beginning to make noise. Throughout the
country parents who have been politically uninvolved are attending local school
board meetings in unprecedented numbers. They are protesting curriculum choices
and what amounts to indoctrination of their children and teens. More than a few
have addressed their board to argue that schooling is for sound subject matter
instruction, not ideological persuasion on subjects that are not the schools’
business in the first place.
is a loaded word and is often misunderstood. Perversion is not an opposite but
a twist. The Oxford English Dictionary says perversion is “the alteration of
something from its original course or state to a distortion of what was first
intended.” Perversion of justice is a sad matter but perversion of human
sexuality is more far-reaching and more deeply damaging. Here we are moving
toward the middle of Pride Month with its outrageous drag queens, its Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence, and its full support of homosexuality and the
transgender epidemic. Of course the nation’s president heartily approves. Does
anyone think Mr. Biden and other liberals would approve of the Sisters if they
were making fun of Mohammed and Muslims instead of Christ and Catholics?
there any guess as to what is coming next in our headlong rush toward deeper
and deeper sexual anarchy? The U.N. can help us answer that. Its recent
approval of a report of the International Commission of Jurists, a worldwide
“human rights organization,” indicates that the U.N. is hunky-dory with adults
having sex with adolescents. “Enforcement of criminal law should reflect the
rights and capacity of persons under 18 to make decisions about engaging in
consensual sex,” reads the report of the Jurists. Who is surprised? People whom
we thought were normal have been saying for some time that even children should
be honored and heeded when they claim they need to be “transgendered.”
believers – and there are millions in America – have no choice but to reject
and resist the LGBQT’s perverted view of sexuality and they will continue to be
criticized and slandered for it. Christians are being told by the Democrats, by
corporate America, Big Tech, Pro Sports, and the military to shape up and
“think as I think.”
for skyrocketing crime, a truth about this issue must be faced as well. Watch
television. View the videos. Overwhelmingly it is young Black men who are
looting the stores, beating up elderly citizens on the streets, destroying
property, and accosting pedestrians at will. Thank goodness for the voices of
Black leaders like Ben Carson, Pastor Tony Evans of Dallas, Texas, and Lt.
Governor Mark Robinson of North Carolina who fearlessly approach this issue and
refuse to pamper criminals because of their color. These gentlemen need far more support from
Black citizens.
no longer feel safe. They know that crime has moved from the inner city to the
suburbs and rural America. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that small
town sheriffs and prosecutors are overwhelmed with violent crime cases and that
violent crime in rural areas has risen above the U.S. average.
is a sin against God and man. Sexual perversion is no less. Sexual anarchists
have already redefined marriage. But the gay mafia is pressing its luck in
messing with our children. I for one believe that Americans are awakening to this
and will vote accordingly. If we do not … go read about the fall of the Roman
Roger Hines
June 8, 2024
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