are Liberals Afraid Of?
Published in Marietta Daily Journal (GA) Sept. 24, 2022
conservatives are prone to stand in the gap and yell “Stop!” to foolish notions,
some liberals have raised the question, “What are conservatives afraid of?”
First of all, one would display serious ignorance to argue that Thucydides,
Cicero, William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher,
Rush Limbaugh, Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Thomas Sowell
were afraid of anything. Of course six of these are old dead White men and one
is an old dead White woman, but the others – all Blacks – are still alive,
still conservative, and still unafraid to assert their conservative principles.
I suspect their fearlessness has rubbed off on those who admire and appreciate
the contrary, it is the liberal mind that harbors fear and spreads its
tentacles everywhere. I say “the liberal mind” rather than name names because I
don’t want to offend any of my liberal friends. When liberals get offended they
punch the pause button in order to stroke their offendedness which means that meaningful
debate is aborted. Consider the following fears that modern liberals cannot
seem to conquer (not classical liberals who stood strong in debate and were
often persuasive, but today’s liberals who shout “offensive” or “fascist” at
everyone with whom they disagree).
are afraid of laughter. Perhaps they don’t laugh because they believe in the
perfectibility of man but don’t see much perfection anywhere. Why do the
conservatives on Fox and Newsmax laugh and enjoy their work while the liberals
on CNN and MSNBC are so humorless, solemn, and angry? I’m very concerned about
CNN’s Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer. These two men need some friends. So do
their guests. Their sadness is understandable, however. LBJ’s Great Society did
not produce a great society. His War on Poverty was a flop. The billionaires
and millionaires of America could better address poverty by setting up a
private poverty program to which I would gladly contribute. Liberals are sad
because government largesse never works. Check out what it has done to poor
American families.
are afraid of localism. That’s why they don’t like the Constitution too much
and want to change it drastically. They abhor the Tenth Amendment which draws
the line on what the federal government can do but which has been disregarded
by Congress for decades. Liberals simply love big government. To them localism
smacks of uneducated types, local yokels, and deplorables who could never wisely
govern themselves. Self-determination has never been as valued by liberals as
it has by conservatives.
are afraid of narrow interpretations of words and of law. In the spirit and
words of their beloved Al Gore they embrace the Constitution as “a dynamic,
ever-changing document.” In other words our Constitution doesn’t mean what the
Constitution writers meant. It means what contemporary legislators and judges
prefer. The Judiciary serves as their natural power base. Therefore,
“originalism” and “strict constructionism” have no place in the liberal lexicon
and therefore Clarence Thomas is their mortal enemy.
– the contemporary ones, remember, but including the older ones who have
allowed younger, outrageous liberals to take over – are afraid of expressive
religious faith. Regarding such, one of them recently wrote. “Religious views
should not – must not – inform public policy.” Dear Lord! Try that on George
Washington, John Adams, and all the other Framers plus Abraham Lincoln and a
host of others. Argue to an objective, even secular historian that Christianity
(a religious “view,” I suppose) particularly the Ten Commandments, the Sermon
on the Mount and the New Testament epistles have not informed America’s
jurisprudence and common ethic.
are also afraid of anything transcendent. Natural order means little to them or
else they would recognize the sexual chaos spreading the land and the rank evil
of the sexual grooming going on in only a few school systems in America but in
many school systems in Canada and Europe. Maybe liberals don’t read newspapers
or watch the news as much as they should. Maybe it’s their addiction to
National Public Radio, but something makes them skittish about people of faith.
are afraid of conservative parents and Donald Trump. This fear makes total
sense in the liberal’s overall scheme of things because the family – being a
little unit of government with parents being its reasonable leaders and
children being their natural subjects/citizens – is the greatest impediment to the
socialist/statist dream that lies deep in the liberal mind and heart. Trump, of
course, is simply the most effective outlier liberals have ever faced. The man
gives them the hibbie-gibbies.
liberals fear this year’s midterm election. This fear is rational.
Roger Hines
September 22, 2022
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