Pronouns, Anyone? Just Help Yourself
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 2/12/22
14 years I studied pronouns and for 50 years I taught them. You could say I’m
pro-pronoun. Consider the annoying repetition we would have to endure if there
were no pronouns. Read the following sentence and you’ll see: Bill totaled
Bill’s car when Bill ran a red light.
pronoun issue is too serious a matter, however, to be playful about it. It’s an
issue that is confusing children, teens, and young adults alike. Oh, the
lengths to which leftists will go to achieve their transformative social,
political, and sexual goals. Pronouns were all nailed down until maybe a decade
ago. Before then, hardly anyone would have dreamed that something as specific
and apolitical as pronouns would become a topic of discussion. Perhaps we
weren’t reading or heeding George Orwell, that genuine classical liberal who
meant it when he spoke for freedom and wrote about the potential tyranny of
language. Strangely, today’s liberals are trying to limit freedom, ignoring
everything that Orwell, the 1960s students at Berkley, and even Peter, Paul,
and Mary spoke up for.
pronouns are now one of the vehicles upon which social transformers are trying
to hook a ride. Call it language re-set. Linguistically this is devilishly
interesting. Scientifically and socially it is both ignorant and dangerous. I
was taught that pronouns are a closed class of words. Unlike nouns, verbs, and
adjectives which are always growing in number, pronouns, prepositions, and
conjunctions never grow. “Pronouns are a snooty bunch that never admits new
members,” chuckled the beloved Dr. Marice Brown at the University of Southern
Mississippi. Dr. Brown, in order to get her doctorate in linguistics, had to
endure the radical rantings of her UCLA major professor, Noam Chomsky. Chomsky
was the author of the textbook we were using. He is still professing his radicalism
today. I’ve no doubt that in his active old age he’s in on the growing of new
surprise! University administrators and professors are leading the way in the
war against our long held “sexist” pronouns. Students are following. At Kent
State, the student newspaper announced as far back as 2014 that its writers
“would never want to use pronouns that would make certain students feel
disenfranchised,” such as “he” and “she.” That’s why “ze” and “zir,” and “fae”
and “faer” are acceptable as personal pronouns for those writing to But which genders do “ze”
and “zir” or “fae” and “faer” refer to? Why, whichever students wish. Freedom
to choose one’s own pronouns is the point of it all.
join me in crying “Dear God in Heaven!” not as a profanity but as a plea for
divine help in resisting the countless aberrations with which parents of school
children must now deal. Just a tad of research will reveal which and how many
other prestigious universities are so concerned with pronoun sensitivity and
how many are asking students which pronouns they prefer. Gone are the days of
asking or being asked, “What’s your sign?” meaning astrological sign. That
question is so not coo-ul. Today the question is “What are your pronouns?”
legislatures should be railing and stomping on this foolishness. Tax-supported
universities are responsible to the public that funds them. Just as state
legislatures have rightly addressed the critical race theory issue, so should
they inform universities that such biological denial and semantic silliness
will affect their funding. If states do so, they should expect the ire of
Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign. Planned Parenthood now
asserts in its literature that gender identity is “how you feel inside” and
that gender is a “social construct.” The
Human Rights Campaign, the well-funded homosexual and transgender lobby group,
argues that “gender equality” frees us from “the stereotypes of masculinity and
femininity.” Ditching the popular mantra “follow the science,” these two
organizations are denying science. Did they skip 10th grade biology?
No, they are simply denying its reality.
children are being harmed because of such drivel. The Human Rights Campaign,
which enjoys the blessing and endorsement of the National Education
Association, is active in schools nationwide. National Review columnist
Madeleine Kearns recently wrote that “the mainstreaming of youth transgenderism
means children as young as five are being taught they may have been born in the
wrong body.”
are parents to do? Get to the next meeting of their board of education, for one
thing. Stay informed of what their children are being taught. And support all
board members who haven’t lost their minds.
Roger Hines
February 9, 2022
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