Does the West Have a Future?
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 12/25/21
is here and we should experience it with gusto. Who but the most hard-hearted
doesn’t take joy from seeing children made happy or from sensing the general
spirit of joy that clings in the air? Such joyous spirit, however, doesn’t last
throughout the year. It eventually succumbs to forgetfulness as our thoughts
turn to a new year and to hope for a better one.
last two years have been challenging for Americans. The coronavirus has been no
more disruptive than the nation’s political and cultural divide, a reality that
is sometimes necessary. For two years cities have been plundered and the
plunderers ignored. Language such as “transforming America” indicates that many
citizens simply don’t like America. The right to bear arms is seriously
questioned. Science has been politicized. Scientists, formerly objective
searchers and researchers for the truth, have become bureaucratic whisperers
into the ears of the king. We are tasting tyranny. Thankfully, the discontent
of the American worker poses a challenge to the ruling class of both political
it’s 1776 all over again. The Tea Party isn’t dead. It’s very alive,
infiltrating the body politic under different names. But back up beyond that.
It’s 1215 when the very king of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta. Even
before then, everywhere man yearned to be free, as in ancient Rome where Cicero
passionately defended the rights of free men under law. Alas, back before Rome,
the stalwart Greek, Pericles (a Trump-like figure in that he was a man of
wealth who energized the working class) advanced democracy and the participation
of commoners.
Greeks were the first westerners. One would have found no glimmers of self-rule
in ancient Babylon, or China, or Russia. What America’s founders gave us was
the full flower from a root, a stalk, and a bud that grew in Greece, Rome, and
Britain. Its soil and nutrition was the Judeo-Christian ethic.
call it western civilization, one quite unlike that of the lands east of the
Mediterranean. Most American students study
it for the first time in 10th grade World History. College students
study it under the simple title, “Western Civilization.” Fundamentally the
values of western civilization have been representative democracy, the worth of
the individual, liberty, equality, freedom of thought, capitalism, private
ownership, and freedom of religion. One doesn’t typically associate these
values with China, Russia, tribal Africa, or the small Southeast Asia nations.
do these values fare today? “Western
Civilization” was once a required course in virtually every American university.
This requirement ended by 2010 when it became voluntary or was replaced with a
course called “World Civilization.” And what was wrong with teaching the
history and values held by western nations? According to Jesse Jackson what was
wrong was the “Euro-centric, white male-domination” which these values led to.
In 1988 at Stanford University, Jackson led a demonstration around the campus
with students yelling, “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Culture’s gotta go.” Caving to
Jackson, Stanford opted for “multiculturalism,” catapulting the term to
prominence and replacing “Western Civilization” with “Culture, Ideas, and
Values.” Call it the birth of cancel culture.
Twentieth Century was the American Century. America led the world economically
and militarily. Her confidence was wrought of victory in two world wars and an
ever growing economy. However, since 2010, the Trumpian interlude
notwithstanding, that confidence and leadership have waned. How could it not
when political and corporate leaders defend every crazy notion that comes along
(cultural Marxism, “equity,” transgenderism, guaranteed income, unabated
globalism)? How could it not when America’s military is chased from Afghanistan
by ruffians? How can universities yield
knowledgeable, productive citizens while yielding to students’ demands for a
warm, mothering environment?
civilization’s greatest achievement has not been art, philosophy, or even
scientific advancement. The marvel of the West, particularly America, has been
the preservation of individual liberty and respect for the common man. The deplorable
common man knows something is wrong when a guy says he is a girl, or when
parents become the target of the FBI for speaking out about what their children
are being taught.
wrote, “Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child
forever.” The Bible states, “For lack of
knowledge the people perish.” If western civilization dies, America dies. But
there’s hope. Over half of the nation’s governors are conservative Republicans,
most of whom are speaking out boldly for localism and common sense. The 2022
election is looking better every day for conservatives.
It wasn’t debt forgiveness, guaranteed incomes
or one nation under therapy that our founders sought. It was freedom wrung from
bold risk, ruggedness, and common sense, qualities that must be reclaimed and
reclaimed fast.
Roger Hines
Parents are not being targeted for speaking out. Speaking out is protected and encouraged. Conservative parents' threats of violence towards school board members and their families and terrorizing them is what is being investigated. Please don't deceive readers.