Et tu,
Anglo Nations?
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 10/2/21
Have all the English-speaking nations of the world gone crazy? Before considering that question, hearken back to Shakespeare’s play titled Julius Caesar. In the play a number of senators have grown alarmed by Julius Caesar’s growing power. When their planned assassination of Caesar takes place on the Ides of March, they are joined by one of Caesar’s supporters and friends, Marcus Brutus. In joining the assassins, Brutus declares, “Not that I love Caesar less, but Rome more.”
Caesar is being stabbed to death by the senators, he sees Brutus lift his knife
to deliver his blow. Caesar stares at Brutus and says “Et tu, Brute?” (“You
too, Brutus?”) Their friendship was well known.
and survey mentally for a moment the rise to prominence of the English-speaking
world. Ponder how a small island nation the size of the state of Alabama became
a world power as she spread her language around the globe. Ask how in 1588 the
tiny ships of England were able to defeat the huge Spanish Armada, determining
on that day that North America would speak English, as would many islands,
small nations, and a huge continent down under. Ponder why representative
democracy has thrived in English-speaking lands.
- later dubbed “Greater Britannia” or Great Britain - is graded differently by
different historians. Most, however, credit her with generally improving the
lives of all the lands wherever her ships harbored. Faulted for imperialism,
Britain even so spread her culture and influence. For centuries England cradled
and spread the Christian faith. Producing great leaders, thinkers, and
communicators became her habit. Eventually Britain would give her empire away,
still leaving England as a world power. Could anyone argue that India, Hong
Kong, New Zealand and Australia, to name a few, are not better off for being
visited, touched, even shaped by British influence?
if not most of that influence has been colored and characterized by Christianity.
Wherever the Christian Gospel has gone, schools, hospitals, and orphanages have
followed. Wherever the English language has gone, enlightenment has followed,
particularly scientific advancement. The ancient Greeks were the first
westerners, but the early modern British were the chief perpetuators of western
how fares western civilization today? How is it different from the governance,
the amount of freedom, and the pursuit of happiness in the Middle East or Far
East? How should we grade the Islamic countries, Communist China, or expansive
Russia? How should we grade America on the holding forth of principles such as
freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and individual liberty?
borrow a phrase from fellow columnist Bob Barr, western civilization “crumbles
around us.” Barr’s words are fearful, yet they size up precisely what is
happening not just in America but in all English-speaking nations. We are
driven to ask, “Anglo nations, are you too going the way of totalitarianism and
moral relativism?” Today there is evidence we all are, not with armies or bombs
but with ideologies that are anything but subtle. England is run by a Prime
Minister who is conservative in name only. Canada’s man at the helm is a cool
young dude without a traditionalist bone in his body. The head of the
Australian government, a Pentecostal with strong religious views, is a
center-right leader, yet as with all other Anglo nations, Australia teeters
toward bureaucratic tyranny. In America nurses, teachers, and cops are being
fired for not getting a booster shot. Don’t tell me that Covid-fear and
government checks aren’t being weaponized for political ends.
crumbling of the west is not only a political event but a religious one as
well. Defund the Police, open borders, profligate spending, centralized
government, cancel culture, and the steady intrusion of socialism are all
dangerous developments, but so is the social/sexual contagion (transgenderism,
gender denial, sexual “openness”) that long ago reached our schools. Our
current president is contributing to that contagion. No longer a likeable,
pragmatic politician, he is a sad, pitiful puppet of the leftists to whom he
surrendered. Consider our abandonment of “one nation under God,” which is to
say our religious underpinnings. The loss of a foundation means the fall of a
a turn-around at hand? Can populist electoral uprisings halt western
civilization’s plunge? Can normal working folks defeat elitist hypocrisy and
the sensate craziness of Hollywood which columnist Barr so aptly described?
Will another attack send us to church, at least for two months, as the 9-11
attack did? Will western nations wake up, read history just a bit, and realize
what’s happening in the world?
nations, blessed above all others, have always been leaders. It’s time they
lead again instead of caving to the lovers of Old World medieval
Roger Hines
Britain was the HQ of the Communist League and home of Marx. Francis Bellamy, the man who penned the Pledge of Allegiance was an avowed socialist. One nation under God was only added much later, under pressure from the Knights of Columbus and as a response to the Soviet Union. Biden's problem is not that he is a leftist but that he's not enough of one (similar problem with Trudeau). America has a long history of wrapping its racism in Red scares. Reader beware. MLK and Rosa Parks were also accused of communist sympathies, as were school desegregationists.