Sunday, August 1, 2021


                                A Slam and a Sham

          Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 7/31/21

            Yet another slam and sham is in the make. The Congressional committee to investigate the January 6 “insurrection” is called to order. But first some essential background.

            For three months in the summer of 2020 – May 24 to August 22 – Democrat mayors, governors, and members of Congress sat like contented frogs while looting, rioting, burning, and total destruction of livelihoods took place in at least 8 major cities. Violence in city streets surged to new levels. According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), more than 10,000 demonstration events occurred across the nation.

            One 2020 summer evening I watched as CNN’s Ali Velshi stood in Minneapolis in front of burning automobiles, crumbling buildings, and thieving looters and declared that “protestors have not become unruly.” My jaw hit the floor. Had the scene not been so horribly destructive, Velshi’s claim would have been laughable.

            Equally incredulous was the shameful characterization of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan who dubbed the nationwide riots a “summer of love.” Her comparison of the summer of 2020 to the summer of 1969 and the Woodstock Festival of Love was not humorous. Mayor Durkan even cheered the Black Lives Matter organization and other neo-Marxist revolutionaries who set up their CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) and declared it a secession. On June 29th protestors marched to Durkan’s home to protest for even deeper cuts in police funding. Perhaps alarmed that angry protestors had come to her front door, Durkan on July1 launched an offensive on the protestors and the dismantling of CHAZ began.

            On Father’s Day weekend in the City of Fatherlessness (Chicago), 104 people were shot. Fourteen people were killed, including 5 children. In San Francisco, Velshi’s “unruly protestors” used the holiday to tear down more memorial monuments, those of President U.S. Grant and Francis Scott Key. Neo-Marxists aren’t just after Confederates. They’re after the American way, which is to say constitutionalism, federalism, and capitalism. In other words they’re socialists.

            It came to pass that in 2021 on January 6th skullduggery hardly equal to and certainly no greater than that of 2020 took place at the nation’s Capitol. No, the nation’s Capitol is no more to be revered than the store fronts of Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York. No, the well suited elected officials inside the Capitol are no more to be revered than the displaced small business owners and employees – the little people, so to speak – of those cities. And no, the work of the suits inside the Capitol is no more to be revered than that of the unknown, burned out “summer of love” victims who were simply making a living. Yet, we’re to believe that storied columns, paintings of politicians, and history-besotted halls and chambers are more honor-worthy than America’s workbench. Talk about elitism. Jefferson himself, an intellectual and leader extraordinaire, would have been repulsed by such self-importance.

            The political party that chose to ignore the “summer of love” is now turning its attention to the goons who dared to smash their hallowed building and interrupt their most honored tasks. Makes one wonder whether or not all the smashed Moms and Pops of 2020 are still dealing with insurance companies or whether or not they have somehow made it back to solvency.

            The Committee on the January 6th “Insurrection” should reach for a dictionary.  An insurrection is a formal, intentional seizure whose purpose is to take control of a government. So which of the clowns storming the Capitol was to be the President? What plans had been made regarding takeover of America’s military? Was there a modern cavalry waiting outside of D.C. in case they were needed? Now things are getting laughable. By day’s end the destructive buffoonery was over. Would that business owner victims of 2020 could have had it so easy.

            Democrats know this was no insurrection. They know that the vast majority of those in attendance at the Trump rally on January 6 went home. No, they’re fearfully thinking Donald Trump must be slammed, not really for the fictitious “insurrection,” but for winning the hearts of 74 million Americans. Thus, the Committee. Thus, the sham crocodile tears of the committee members, male and female, that began to flow shortly after the committee convened on Tuesday.

            Dear reader, is it not time that ordinary citizens protest against the perpetual craziness that surrounds us? Has an alarm not sounded? Should Jefferson have sought common ground with King George? Should Churchill have sought to convince Hitler to be a good boy? No, these leaders knew that defeat of the enemy was a total necessity. So must we view those who today are trying to destroy a former president and to “re-imagine” America.


Roger Hines


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