We Hold These Truths … to be Offensive
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 3/20/21
centuries before Jefferson asserted in The Declaration that certain truths were
self-evident, Cicero remarked, “If truth were self-evident, there would be no
need for eloquence.”
for debate nor even for courts of law, one might add. But we understand what
Jefferson meant. You won’t find me quibbling too much with either one of these
intellectual giants, but truth often has to be searched out, hammered out, and
explained. Despite my admiration for Jefferson, I’m with Cicero.
in America truth is on the scaffold. It always is, but dear Lord, how many more
biological and sociological truths are about to be denied by the
political/cultural left? I started to use the word “discarded,” but it’s
impossible to discard truth. It can be scoffed at or ignored, but not
discarded, no matter how much we dislike it. Truth stands, though often alone.
of America’s greatest poets, James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), wrote. “Once to
every man and nation comes the moment to decide / In the strife of truth and
falsehood, for the good or evil side.” But what can a dead, white poet offer us?
Although Lowell was addressing the evil
of slavery when he penned those words, he is just too yesterday for today’s
youth and for the publishers of their literature books. Lowell is essentially
rue that fact because every single day we learn that yet another truth is being
canceled, replaced with such lies as: we are not just male or female; spanking injures a child’s psyche; capitalism
is inherently racist; life doesn’t begin at conception; all whites are
intellectually vacuous and soft we have become. How tenderly we treat our
children, thus retarding their movement into responsible adulthood. In high
school, at age 17, I was a substitute school bus driver. Two other senior boys
were full time school bus drivers. Not even in rural areas would that happen
today. Why not? Because of the cultural softening of everything from parenting
to schooling to policing. Because of the mystique we’ve built around teenagers.
In the words of
feminist writer Christina Sommers, “Our helping culture is eroding
self-confidence.” Yes, we lavish children with praise and go gentle with
correction. We send grief brigades to our schools in the wake of the smallest
tragedy. We’ve replaced “Know thyself” with “Esteem thyself.” Sommers,
parting company with her feminist sisters, rejects “the triumph of the
for a modern Martin Luther to nail truth to the cathedral door of our modern
culture. Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is now requiring its
reporters to refrain from using the words, “illegal immigrants,” words that
Senator Schumer, President Obama, and Vice President Biden were using barely a
decade ago. But no more. Now eschewing
truth, they have succumbed to a lie. Soon shoplifters will be called
“non-buyers.” If truth offends it must be reworded.
Consider the term
“white privilege” and the following name pairs, Whites on the left and Blacks
on the right: Tom Brady/Lebron James; Taylor Swift/Beyonce; Peter Trottier/Ben
Carson; William Faulkner/James Baldwin. We could go on and on in all fields of
work, pairing successful Whites with successful Blacks. My good doctor, Peter
Trottier, is not successful because he is White and Ben Carson is not successful
because he is Black. Both men are successful because they dreamed, then hit the
road, and achieved their dream. Neither viewed himself as a victim.
American dream puts the lie to white privilege. How privileged were Lincoln and
Truman, or Obama and Clinton for that matter? All four of these originally
non-rich Americans chased their dream and caught it. Sadly and ironically Obama
and Clinton have since taken the side of those who cry white privilege, racism,
and victimhood. Both of them know better.
the recent past “offensive” was a word employed for scatological humor,
vulgarity, and profanity. Today it’s used to describe Dr. Seuss. Dear God.
“Victim” in the recent past referred to the down and out. Today it’s used to
describe Meghan and Harry. Some claim politics and politicians are the
incubator of all such cry-babying. I say it’s parents and the university.
Lewis wrote, “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue.” Lewis
understood truth.
so did James Russell Lowell. He ended his beloved poem with, “Though the cause
of evil prosper, yet the Truth alone is strong / Though her portion be the
scaffold and upon the throne be wrong / Yet that scaffold sways the future and
behind the dim unknown / Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above
His own.”
such we best pray, especially when cultural relativism is the prevailing
Roger Hines
March17, 2021
Truth is ruthless, demanding and brave. We have hurt the past two generations by "protecting" them from this necessary acquisition into their advancing maturity. The psycho babble has crippled them and we are witnessing the result. God forgive us.