Thursday, June 11, 2020

                                               Liberalism’s Bitter Fruit
               Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 6/7/20

             The essence of liberalism is tolerance, except when it isn’t. The events of the past two weeks in America’s largest cities are the fruit of liberalism’s bend over backwards tolerance, mainly that of liberal mayors and governors. What else explains why blue state cops stood around for four days watching criminals destroy private property?
            Liberalism’s supposed tolerance is often sheer intolerance. Most liberals can’t tolerate gun ownership and want you to jump through hoops to own one. But they tolerate rioting, looting, and bashing-in store windows when done by angry “protestors” whose cause is supposedly just.
            Thieving “protestors” are doing exactly what we should expect from them because liberalism primed them for it. It seems ludicrous to bring parenting and child rearing into the picture, but absent fathers and bad liberal policy are primarily what brought us to our present strife.  Liberal professors did their part as well.
 During the 60s Americans began swallowing the philosophy that “understanding” would keep children “well adjusted.” Spanking was out. “Time out” was in. But instead of hellishness being cured it was emboldened. Then came the age of therapy. Today we are one nation under therapy with hellishness and criminality for all. Watch it on television before it comes to your neighborhood, which it will certainly do if dads don’t become dads instead of just impregnators, and if liberal mayors don’t allow police to keep order.
            I watched and heard what Chris Cuomo of CNN said: “You have to understand the passion and the outrage of the looters.” I read what the mayor of Minneapolis said: “Our city is witnessing the result of 400 years of injustice toward blacks.” Think about that. America has twice elected, because of white voters, a black president. Black mayors and other black political leaders are everywhere. Yet we who have never owned a slave and many of us who have fought against racial injustice all of our lives are being held responsible for what the Jamestown colonists did 4 centuries ago.  
            The 19 to 25-year-old “youths” who have been running in and out of bashed-in store windows with stolen merchandise obviously never had their hellishness checked by a strong father.  Otherwise they most likely wouldn’t be abusing cops, setting cars afire, cursing reporters, and destroying livelihoods on the streets of our cities. Of course family structure is “evolving” and we’re supposed to be just dandy with it. Right, liberals?  
Does anyone wonder if the looters were ever taught “Do not steal”? Let’s put that in 17th century King James English for the sake of clarity: “Thou. Shalt. Not. Steal!” Yes, liberals, it’s that simple. We get what we teach.
            Here are 6 of many reasons why we should not accept the injustice excuse when rioting and looting occur: Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, and Josh Crudup.
             Dr. Carson and Supreme Court Justice Thomas have refused to wallow in their past injustice, instead using it to spur their ambition to succeed in life. Both of these over-comers have always looked forward. The lesser known Williams and Sowell are influential professors, writers, and unabashed libertarian/conservatives. Cain is a successful businessman and radio talk show host. These 5 black men turned injustice into determination rather than destructive anger.
            So did Josh Crudup. Josh lived across a huge creek from us. He owned a 20-acre farm and was considered a “well-off black” because he owned not just one mule but two. Childless, outgoing, and un-tethered to past injustice, the Crudups were everybody’s friends. They loved and respected their white neighbors and were loved and respected in turn, which is not what the looters understand and not what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton inspire. I think I know what Josh would have done if a son of his had been found rioting and looting.
            To see how a good black man can influence a growing, poor white boy like me, google Brooks and Dunn’s song and video, “Believe.” Then ponder the absence of love, respect, and proper raising that the looters are illustrating and that liberalism’s tolerance has produced.
            I see good race relations every week of my life. America is not a racist nation and I for one am getting tired of hearing that we are. It’s absolutely sickening to see liberal mayors yield to anarchists, but we know why they have: Russia, collusion, impeachment, and ventilators all fell through. Maybe social unrest will be Trump’s undoing.
             A nation that arrests people who congregate to worship but stands down when looters are destroying and murdering has lost its moorings. It’s time to call in the troops before deplorables get riled up as well.

Roger Hines
June 4, 2020

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