Dangers of Denying the Past
Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 10/17/19
Faulkner, the Mississippi Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was good at
one-liners. Those one-liners, though,
were buried in his endless sentences.
Faulkner wrote in “stream of consciousness,”
a technique in which the writer goes on and on with words, creating a natural
flow of thought that more often than not slaughters the rules of grammar. One has to like words to like Faulkner.
Consider the following
one-liners. “Ain’t nothing in the woods
gonna hurt you unless you corner it.”
Faulkner should know. His beloved
Oxford in north Mississippi is woodsy and Faulkner knew those woods well. He also knew about rural life: “A mule will
work for you for ten years just for the pleasure of kicking you once.” Believing that fiction “tells a lie in order
to tell the truth,” Faulkner spent most of his literary life writing short
stories and novels.
Most writers, they tell
us, are not good speakers. Writers spend
too much time with their heads down, mulling words and trying to think up the
next sentence. Unlike the good speaker
who is normally engaging and gregarious, the writer is ponderous and arguably
actually thinks too much. Faulkner was
in the latter group, but he did make quite a few quotable statements while
sitting on the nail kegs in the hardware or general stores of Oxford, talking
weather and politics with the locals and the farmers who had come to town to “stock
Consider this sentence
from Faulkner: “The past is not over yet.” Anyone reading (or trying to read)
Faulkner’s novels will catch right away his love for and knowledge of the past. With an eye for the future, Faulkner
understood Shakespeare’s line, “The past is prologue.”
But just how strongly
do we believe that today? Why do so many
people dislike history? Why to so many
is history a school subject and little more?
Why have we succumbed to what Cicero called “the tyranny of the
These questions are
easy to answer. Let’s approach them
backwards, answering them partially with other questions. We allow the present to tyrannize us because
so many of us know nothing else. We live
in the now with little thought of who we are and where we came from. How far back can the typical 21-year-old
“see”? How much does he or she care to
see or know?
As for history being
considered a school subject and little else, surely that’s because very little
history, if any – immediate history: your grandmother and grandfather and where
they came from, child! – is passed on in the home. Can anyone say “fatherless homes” or
“ineffective parenting” or “family meal times”?
But times have changed,
many will argue. Homes have changed.
Marriage has changed. So has gender.
History doesn’t matter very much for Digital Man. Evolution is a sociological as well as a
biological reality. We live under a
different paradigm. Yes, we most
certainly do. And that paradigm hasn’t
exactly produced wondrous things.
Beyond ignoring history
we are attempting to destroy it. We
dismiss the history we don’t like and topple monuments that remind us of
it. We tailor history books to satisfy
the sensibilities of modern day, safety-conscious students. Universities apologize to students for having
invited Jeff Sessions to speak!
Our chief denial is
that of who we are as a nation. As
unpopular as the word “nation” has become, I shall still argue that America is
a nation and that our nation is decidedly Greek. Like the Greeks whose art began to depict
life and freedom rather than death and tyranny, we are a nation of no single
ethnicity. Like the Greeks we tasted
freedom and democracy and liked the taste.
Like them we learned too slowly, but learned still, the value of the
individual, no matter his or her race or ancestry. Americans, of course, are perpetuating
Greece’s love of athletics.
Most importantly, like
the Greeks we know the difference between the nation and the state. The nation is the people; the state is the
nation’s government. As out of favor as
is the word “nationalism,” Greece was the cradle of nationalism. We err dangerously to lean toward globalism,
believing that all ideas are equal and that the world can be one happy family.
Growing up, I lived
down the road from Faulkner – about 195 miles – and studied him diligently. He
once wrote, “I observed that my own little postage stamp of native soil was
worth writing about.” On that postage
stamp Faulkner showed that he knew history and knew its value.”
Would that we all
Roger Hines
Reading your writings, I know why I loved you as a teacher. You shared your own love of words and history with your students. I pray that I've passed it along to my own family.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Janis. Students like you made it all a pleasure. What a joy to see you at the class reunion a couple of years ago. You were a perfect Sue Gandy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.