Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sexual Chaos … Is there no end?

                       Sexual Chaos … Is there no end?

           Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 3/10/19

            A message to three men whom I admire, U.S. Senators Isakson and Perdue, and my U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk:  Please tell the federal government to keep its hands off my grand-daughters, all 7 of them.
            If those granddaughters wish to join the military, I hope they will, but I don’t want them in combat with men.  Neither do I want the government ever to require that they register for military service.
            One of those granddaughters can scale a mountain as skillfully as a mountain lion.  She has a degree in Outdoor Leadership.  One of her sisters treasures a photograph in which the sister is posing with her first deer, the first deer she ever shot dead, that is.
            None of my granddaughters are shrinking violets, but if any of their fathers (my 2 sons and 2 sons-in-law) ever suggest it’s ok for them to engage in combat, we’ll have a talk.  My granddaughters have total authority in the matter, but I still have an opinion plus the testimony of nature, physiological science, and common, walking around horse sense.
            Women and men are different.  Is it not incredible how controversial such an assertion has become?  Because we have perverted the word “equality,” we now see it trivialized.  Don’t withdraw from the word “perverted.”  It merely means “distorted, twisted, or deviated from the norm.”  “Equality under the law” means we embrace the ideal that when we’re standing or sitting in front of a judge or jury, the floor is wondrously level.  It doesn’t mean that in our daily interactions we’re to abandon every ounce of common sense we possess, all for the impossible social goal of equality.  Equal we aren’t.
            Our deviation from the classical definition of equality has led to the cry that sexual differences are to be ignored, that masculinity is chauvinistic, that marriage-centric households are passé, that science is wrong about chromosomes, and that men and women together in trenches is just dandy.
            I’m sure that if I were in the trenches with a woman, I would be thinking about protecting the woman as much as hitting my enemy target.  I’m confident that 99 percent of the men I know, including the 20- and 30-somethings, think the same.
            “But that’s the way you men were taught.”  No, that’s the way we were made.  It’s also what we see.  My wife can birth children; I can’t.  I can sing baritone; she can’t.  What’s happening is rebellion against nature and norms.   As our favorite philosopher Woody Allen put it (after caught dishonoring a norm), “The heart wants what the heart wants.”
            My wife could also run the world.  I wish she could be president.  Oh, she could command the troops!  Her hold on the broad picture and its details would be firm and sure.  But that doesn’t mean she is equipped to do the task of a soldier.
            Sexual chaos stretches far beyond the military issue.  It has led to cheap sex and the decline of marriage, in fact an absolute marriage deficit.  According to the University of Virginia’s Institute for American Values, the out of marriage birthrate went from 13 percent in 1985 to 44 percent in 2010.  Writing for the Bloomberg News, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen called this statistic a recipe for poverty.
            Still more areas reflect the chaos, so include my 3 grandsons in the Watchful Papa lineup.  Schools around the country, though maybe not too many in the Southeast, are teaching “gender-equity,” and are inviting drag queens to their libraries to tell children glorious stories of equality .  Transgender ideologues are making sure that “gender dysphoria” is given equal time, most likely causing children to think about gender for the first time.
 The Methodist Church has been affected.  A strong, time-honored Christian denomination is experiencing a good measure of turmoil over the ordination of LGBT clergy.  Though delegates voted in a recent conference to strengthen their ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy, resistance continues. 
Fake genders are multiplying.  For 5 decades I’ve taught that personal pronouns, unlike the nouns to which they refer, are a finite group, a snooty, closed-class group of words that doesn’t admit new members.  They still are.  But some people still dream, resist, and pervert.
Sexual innovators will always be with us, as well as the elevators of the unnatural to the natural.  The results will be the same: craziness and sexual confusion.  But I for one will protect those I love most and will resist the chaos.
Meanwhile … Help, Senators Isakson and Perdue and Rep. Loudermilk. Help!

Roger Hines

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