“Scientific Freedom”: How the Left Politicizes
Weather, Sexuality, and Babies
Published in Marietta Daily Journal May 7, 2017
This year’s Earth Day, April 22,
brought us the usual parades and protests as well as a new expression. Around the globe, advocates fanned out in
support of increased spending for science (ok) and “scientific freedom” (not
By “scientific freedom,” the protestors
meant freedom from “ideological interference,” that is, freedom from the views
and influence of those who deny or question global warming.
Well, true science is one thing;
varying opinions about unsettled science are another. Today, global warming is considered settled
science by those who marched on Earth Day and by many on the left of the political/cultural
center. Question global warming and you
are injecting your ideology into science.
The same is true for the transgender issue. Resist transgender orthodoxy
and you are living in the past where we were all defined as male or female. You need to get with the new information. Of course, there is no new information, just
new ideology from the cultural left. The
same is true of the abortion issue. If
you resist the pro-abortion position, you are denying a woman’s right to do
with her body what she chooses. The
unborn baby part of it doesn’t matter.
That’s just your ideology.
Let’s deal with weather “science”
first. In 1975 the front cover of the
April 28th issue of Newsweek Magazine bore a picture of a vast
iceberg with the heading, “The Coming Ice Age.”
The lead article was titled “The Cooling World.” It stated that a survey completed in 1974 by
Dr. Murray Mitchell of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had
revealed a drop of half a degree in average ground temperature in the Northern
Hemisphere between 1945 and 1968.
The cause? Human beings. At least
human beings and their aerosols. This
cooling, we were warned (one-half a degree in 23 years?), would lead to short
growing seasons which in turn would lead to reduced food supply. Calamity,
That was then. This is now.
Newsweek is now defunct. So is
the global cooling gospel. It came to
pass that “men and women of science” debunked all notions of a coming Ice Age
and began preaching global warming, though with one similar claim: humans are
to blame. Calamity, calamity! One must ask if the predictive power of
scientists is reliable since it is ever changing.
On to sex. Comes now, as recently as
March 27, 2017 an issue of Time Magazine (a journal not yet defunct but
appearing ill) whose cover bears a picture of a young adult who looks both male
and female. The heading reads, “Beyond
He or She.” The lead article inside is
titled “A New Identity.” It states that
“a growing number of young people are moving beyond the idea that we live in a
world where sexuality and gender take only two forms.
“Beyond” male and female? Yes.
On college campuses across the country T-shirts are proliferating with
such messages as “Gender is dead,” “No gender,” and “My gender is fluid.”
the illogic of the “scientific freedom” enthusiasts. They dub global warming deniers as
anti-science while denying the reality of gender and the viability of an unborn
baby in the womb.
a recently published book titled “The Unholy Trinity,” author Matt Walsh argues
that life, marriage and gender are the three fronts on which the ideological
left has set its sights. To the left,
Walsh asserts, life, marriage, and gender are by no means sacred. Nor are they settled realities, either.
to Barack Obama, the definition of marriage is now changed. Although homosexual marriage is a
contradiction of terms, it is now legal.
Marriage, by definition, is between a man and a woman. “Traditional” has nothing to do with it. Marriage is simply reality. How so?
Because only nature’s man-woman relationship can produce children and
properly teach them to live and function well in the larger society. (Think absent fathers.) This isn’t tradition. It is human science,
the natural order. “Scientific freedom”
is a weasel expression for rebellion against nature.
where is transgenderism leading? To
denial of human science and to sexual confusion for children who hear about it
at school and on television. While
dysmorphia – delusions about one’s body – is a sorrowful disorder, changing
public policy (marriage), vocabulary (male, female), and definitions (science)
to accommodate it is preposterous.
will get little help from political leaders on this. They view such “social issues” as an
annoyance. Even though minority groups
like the LGBT community are bending culture to their will, most of our leaders
just don’t care.
conservatives best remember that whoever wins the culture wars (and establishes
definitions) gets the prize: our children.
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