Targeting Target: Identifying vs. Being
Published in Marietta Daily Journal Sept. 25, 2016
The following account is not
concocted. It is an honest, accurate
description of an actual event.
Three weeks ago I visited a Target
store near where I live. My objective
wasn’t to make a purchase, but to see if what I had been reading about Target
was true. The information I had been
receiving was that Target was leading the way in the Battle for the
Bathrooms. It was only fair to Target
that I see for myself and ask a few questions.
Once inside the store, I looked
around for the manager. Not seeing
anyone who was thusly tagged, I decided to approach anyone who looked
Standing at the front, facing the endless row of cashiers and exiting
customers were three ladies who seemed to be surveying their domain. One appeared to be in her forties; the other
two were definitely twenty-something.
Approaching the three of them, I
asked, “Ladies, is it ok if I use the ladies restroom here in your store?” The oldest lady, with a half-laugh and a tad
of consternation, quickly answered “Nooo!”
Instantly one of the two younger
women, who obviously had more authority, laid her hand on the older woman’s
forearm as though to restrain her, and said. “Wait, now!” Turning to me she said, “Sir, you may use the
restroom you identify with.”
“What do you mean by ‘identify’?” I
“I mean that if you identify with a
particular restroom, you may enter it.”
(In 10th grade English they call that a redundancy.)
I want to help make America sensible
again. We can start the journey to
sensible only by fighting the forces that have slain common sense, stretched
“equality” to the breaking point (not to mention trivializing it), while clothing
themselves in something called “tolerance.”
I also wish to awaken parents to what we are letting happen.
So, I forged on with one more
question. “So if I choose right now to
identify as a female, I can go right now into the ladies restroom?”
“Sir, all I can tell you is you may
use the restroom you identify with.”
Despite all the redundant vagueness,
the answer I got was quite clear. Target
stands guilty as charged, or at least that particular store does. (Are dads of
small or teenage girls keeping up with this issue?)
This whole business, of course, is
part and parcel of the transgender culture war.
And don’t we just love and admire the REAL men of the NFL and NBA who
are defending my “right” to go into the ladies room? Pro athletes were once the last vestige of
masculinity. Now they have caved, giving
in to cultural currents that defy reason.
But Dr. Paul McHugh, former Chairman
of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, hasn’t caved.
Still a voice of reason, the good doctor, who ended sex-reassignment
surgery at Johns Hopkins, rejects the argument that gender is a “social
construct,” unrelated to biology.
The mainstreaming of homosexuality
took a long time. Not so, that of
transgenderism and gender equality. Last
year’s Supreme Court decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, that granted civil-rights
protection to homosexual marriage, was more than a foot in the door. It opened the door wide, through which, no
doubt, will march “trouples” and any other marital arrangement people prefer.
Through it supporters of non-gender bathrooms have already marched.
Unlike most politicians, Gov. Pat
McCrory of North Carolina is standing firm.
It was North Carolina’s House Bill 2 that over-rode local ordinances
like the one in Charlotte which allowed use of public facilities by either
sex. Because of HB 2, the NBA is moving
its 2017 All-Star game out of Charlotte.
The so called men of the NFL, the
NBA, and scores of corporations are rejecting biology, chromosomes, the created order, and
the fact that we are male and female.
They are rejecting what gender equality rejects which includes modesty,
privacy, dignity, safety, comfort, and vulnerability.
Upon learning about the president’s
directive regarding school restrooms, Texas governor Greg Abbott earlier this
year tweeted, “JFK wanted to send a man to the moon. President Obama wants to send a man to the
women’s restroom.” What a difference in
goals and vision.
The push for transgenderism and
gender equality has led to public policy based on whim and the principle of the
squeaky wheel. It also casts doubt in the minds of children and youth about an
issue that for millennia has been settled.
If “gender dysphoria” is a
legitimate condition, surely there are other ways to sympathetically address it
than by creating laws that defy nature and by government reaching into the
schools and toilets of local communities.
Time to say “Enough!”
Thanks for making your columns accessible. I like reading them even though we disagree. Thinking requires conflicting ideas. I will exercise my standing objection on this subject. God bless you, Roger Hines.