Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Few Questions for Consideration

                 A Few Questions for Consideration
                        Published in Marietta Daily Journal June 5, 2016
            The following questions are neither posed nor framed to evoke any particular response.  They are merely questions I have asked myself over the past few weeks.
            If temperament is to be an issue in the presidential race, who is more arrogant, Donald Trump or the conservative intellectuals, columnists, and talking heads who are faulting Trump for not being “intellectual” enough?
            Who is more vulgar, Donald Trump or Bill Maher on whose television show the anti-Trump conservatives often appear and yuck it up with the best of the show’s vulgarians?
            Who better understands and genuinely cares more about the vast middle class, billionaire Donald Trump or the “movement conservatives” who, while in control of the Congress and the White House, extended the scope of government, and who, while in control of Congress only, demurred and lost battle after battle to President Obama?
            Who speaks plainer, unpretentious, non-trite English, Donald Trump or the career politicians who can’t open their mouths without saying “disingenuous,” “resonates,” “participatory,” “you know what,” “at the end of the day,” and “Let me be clear”?
            Who appears more authentic and trustworthy, Hillary Clinton’s defenders or Mike Huckaby, Ben Carson, Ed Rollins, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Phyllis Schlafly, and Dr. Robert Jeffries?
            Who sounds more serious about unifying the Republican Party, Trump supporters former Senator Scott Brown and Congressman Duncan Hunter or Speaker Ryan who speaks daily of party unity but did not even endorse his party’s nominee until last week?
            Whose positions and rhetoric have been more faithful to conservative Republican orthodoxy, Trump supporter Senator Jeff Sessions or Senators McCain, Corker, Graham, Coats, and Flake?
            If both of this election year’s presidential nominees are highly disliked, how did they reach the status of nominee?  If Trump and Clinton are our only actual choices, which one is a known whose political philosophy I disagree with and which is the risk, chance, or possibility that my philosophy of government will be followed?
            Which of the nominees is Wall Street’s darling?  Is either Trump or Hillary diametrically opposed to Bernie Sanders’ socialism?  Who has the better understanding of and deeper appreciation for capitalism?  Have the two candidates read Adam Smith or Milton Friedman?  Which departments of the federal government is each willing to get rid of? 
            What are the thoughts of each nominee on where same-sex marriage will take us?  To polygamy?  If not, why not or how not?  To acceptable incestuous relationships?  What is each nominee’s full disclosure of their thinking on sexual mores?  On faithfulness in marriage and the importance of the home?  How do they view the Christian minister who must preach against homosexuality because his Bible forbids it?  Will they oppose him, try to shut him down or jail him? 
            Wherein each nominee has changed his or her mind on an issue, why the change and when did it occur?  What was the chief impetus for the change?
            Does either nominee think it is ok to allow men to go into women’s restrooms?  Or ok to let something so obscure and trumped up as “transgender rights” become a cause célèbre for the federal government?  Which one will always be looking for a new “right” to champion?
            Is Trump or Clinton hesitant to use the expression “states’ rights”?  Can they deliver at least a two-minute monologue on what the U.S. Constitution has to say about the role of the states in our government, particularly what the Constitution grants to the states?
            Do Trump and Clinton believe there is such a thing as western civilization? Do they believe that its most distinctive marks are opposition to monarchy, advancement of human freedom, and the worth of the individual?  Is their belief in “tolerance” and “diversity” absolute?  Is their belief in multiculturalism so multi that the center will not hold?  Do they believe that there are those who are leeching off of America instead of legally becoming Americans and contributing to America?
            Which nominee will rein in the IRS?  Which will acknowledge that Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and other Christian groups have built almost half of our hospitals and many of our finest universities? Which will protect America’s pulpits?
            How does each nominee feel about abortion?  What is their definition of abortion?
            Finally, which candidate will cease sending our troops to fight in prolonged wars unless the goal is to win?  Which one believes the essential purpose of the Constitution was to limit government?
            I, for one, have answered these questions.  I am now resolute regarding for whom I can vote.  Also, it’s clear to me that any third party candidate will only aid either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton.

Roger Hines


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