Saturday, February 20, 2021


                          It Didn’t Have to Come to This

               Published in Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, 2/20/21

            Oh, the craziness that abounds. Conservatives just aren’t good at protesting and hollering about it. For one thing, they’re at work. They’re not college kids or liberals with time on their hands. Consequently the loudmouths are winning. Conservatives are learning to speak up, however. They’ve just about had enough.

            Readers might recall that many months ago I reported on a visit I made to a Target store. I’ll review just a few details.

            The visit was made to find out if I (a male) could use their ladies’ restroom.  I was naïve to think their answer would be no. I had read that Target was leading the way in the battle for open bathrooms but doubted it was true. No corporation particularly in the South would ever go that far with “equity” (the new word of choice), diversity, openness, transgenderism, gender-denial and all the other lofty goals that progressives wear on their sleeves and that deplorables like me are supposedly so ignorant of.

            Was I wrong! Entering the store I approached three ladies who looked authoritative standing in front of the cashier lines. I asked if I were allowed to use the ladies’ restroom. Turning to me, the youngest of the trio said, “Sir, you may use the restroom you identify with.”

            “What do you mean by identify with? “ I asked.

            “I mean that if you identify with a particular restroom you may enter it.” (In 10th grade English that’s called being redundant.)

            But the bathroom issue is history, some argue. There are more serious issues. That’s true unless you have daughters and granddaughters and understand how sick and evil people can be.

             Let’s put the issue in a context that perhaps our new president and his supporters can buy into. While their holy trinity is still abortion, race, and socialism – or is it grievance, victimhood, and rage? – they also like to chant, “Follow the science,” so let’s follow along but ask some questions.

            Think hard. How many genders are there? Progressives (what a misnomer for those who think rebellion against nature is progress) are now saying there are three: males, females, and non-binary. Could there be four? How many does it take to produce a baby? Since when did “identifying with” anything change biology? Wherever he lies buried, Aristotle, the father of scientific reasoning, is either scoffing or shaking his head in disbelief. No, this issue is not dead.  If you think it is, look at the long list of President Biden’s executive orders. You’ll see that one of those orders does not follow science but literally rejects biological science. It attempts to re-set human sexuality.  It would deserve a loud hoot if its consequences were not so serious, namely confused children and teens.

            Let’s follow the science with pregnancy as well. Let’s look at the pictures of weeks-old unborn babies, long dismissed by radical feminists and now by a president, as “tissue” that’s “not viable.” Question: how “viable” is a happy, healthy, three-month-old baby that was allowed birth? Answer: He or she is no more “viable” and no less dependent than the baby that was aborted. If Americans had truly followed science and accepted what sonograms showed us, perhaps we would not have aborted over 62 million unborn babies since that fateful year, 1974.

            How did it come to this? How did we arrive at the sexual chaos that pervades the culture? However it happened, there’s hope.  As recently as 2019 Dr. Paul McHugh, psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University declared that sex changes are biologically impossible. In Cornwall, England Dr. Tammie Downs has an increasing following of other doctors who are boldly moving toward her pro-life position.

            There’s more hope. Of the 17 women elected to Congress in 2020, 16 of them are pro-life conservative Republicans who also reject transgender politics. The female governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, is strongly pro-life and anti-same sex marriage. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ run for Arkansas governor should also encourage conservatives.

            I had rather be canceled by a firing squad than to yield to the craziness of “de-programming,” “transformational re-set,” and all of the other anti-intellectualism of the left. Some things are more precious than life and one of them is freedom of speech and conscience.

            “Follow the science” is a bumper sticker chant totally unheeded by those who chant it. It leads to the shoddy science of Planned Parenthood and to the total anti-reality of the transgender movement.

After all, the word science (from Latin, scio, meaning “I know”) actually means knowledge. And the greatest of scientists, or knowers, have always disagreed with each other. Suffice it to say that “science” devoid of common sense and reality is suspect. We best not follow it.


Roger Hines

February 15, 2021



Saturday, February 6, 2021


                           This is No Time for Unity

               Published in Marietta (GA) Marietta Daily                       Journal,2/6/21  

            The dumbing down of words is both misleading and dangerous. Consult any reputable dictionary (a watered down collegiate dictionary won’t do) and you’ll find that insurrection has a very serious definition. It is much more serious and far-reaching than a bunch of thugs dressed in stupid costumes, breaking into a government building and bashing everything in sight.

             The Oxford English Dictionary, still the principal historical dictionary of the English language, reads “an organized attempt to seize a government and take control of a nation; a violent, organized revolt against a sitting government.”

            Yeah, the January 6th caper in Washington, D.C. was exquisitely organized and executed, wasn’t it. One could tell that like Oliver Cromwell and George Washington the rioters were people of high purpose, discipline, and reasoned intent. Did everybody see on television the well stationed brigades out away from the Capitol awaiting signals from their leader? Did anybody see anything other than bad boys and girls acting up stupidly and illegally? Neither did I.

            No, this was no Cromwellian seizure of the British throne, and no legitimately aroused colonists telling the British what they could do with their tea. This caper was goons who, as it turned out, supplied Democrats and their fawning media with a gleeful last jab at Donald Trump.

            Changing the definitions of words is a political art. Tolerance is a word that is changing also. How ironic that those who have typically preached tolerance have become absolutely intolerant calling for “de-programming,” suppression of free speech, and for silencing those who disagree. Since the January 6th  “insurrection,” members of Congress and the media have called for the examining of emails of any National Guard members who might have engaged in “hate speech,” another un-American concoction. Peter, Paul, and Mary probably don’t recognize today’s political left, so different is today’s left from their long ago 1960s ancestors.

            Conservatives had better wake up. Liberals are not what they used to be. In decades past liberalism actually practiced liberality. Liberals broke the back of slavery. They brought attention to the plight of the poor. If their tactics were wrongheaded or bore error, their hearts were right. But that was then and this is now.

            The most recent egregious change in liberal thought and the most serious definition change in the liberal lexicon is that of the word unity. President Biden has called several times for unity, even as he takes snipes at his predecessor. Senators and other political and business leaders have called for unity. But unity centered on what?

            When progressives speak of unity they are actually thinking and in effect saying, “Think as I think.” Unity  in the eyes of the nation’s political left means you must accept their argument of systemic racism even if you can name hundreds of well known and not so well known Blacks who have succeeded and who reject the progressive argument that America is a racist nation.

            Unity no longer means “Come, let us reason together.” It means come and embrace my ideology or you are a cad. It means you must approve of open borders, of Big Tech’s censorship of conservative commentary, of abortion, and of undeclared wars that have drained our treasury for half a century. And if you won’t, you are not willing to come together to heal the nation’s wounds. And you’re probably from rural America and uneducated.

            The government, corporations, and public schools can help you, though, if you can’t accept their new definition of unity. To cure you of your bias there are videos you can (and in many cases must) watch, videos akin to the one by Magic Johnson which I refused to watch since I didn’t think he was exactly qualified to talk to teens about sexuality.   

            Unity means getting used to transgender talk with its new pronouns such as now required at several universities, all because not everybody likes their gender and should be respected if they view themselves as something other than what they are. It means opposing Donald Trump’s alleged enticement to riot at the Capitol on January 6th while dismissing Chuck Schumer’s threats (search them out) to Judges Kavanaugh and Gorsuch on the steps of the Supreme Court.

            You get the drift. But calling a cabbage a king doesn’t make it so. Instead of unity, our times now call for fighting for what we believe. The problem is Americans have always done our “fighting” in our deliberative halls with debate. That debate is what Democrats want to stop and that’s why they want new voters from Central America, two senators from D.C., popular elections for president, and a packed Supreme Court.

 That kind of unity will kill America and it must be opposed and stopped.


Roger Hines
